Friday, January 3, 2020

More Presidential Candidates Weigh in on UFO and ET Possibilities and Disclosure

If you’re running for president and you won’t want to answer tough questions about UFOs, extraterrestrials, X-files disclosure and the Space Force, you may want to avoid New Hampshire where Daymond Steer, a reporter for The Conway Daily Sun, has been hitting candidates hard about UFOs as they campaign in the Granite State. Last week it was Democrat Amy Klobuchar. He has also interrogated Republican William Weld (yes, there’s still another Republican running for president) and longshot Democrats Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado, California congressman Eric Swalwell, former Massachusetts governor Devan Patrick and self-help author Marianne Williamson. What did they have to say?

“Let me say it this way, I have to be extremely careful because I am on the Intelligence Committee. So nothing that I’m saying is anything to do with anything I’ve learned on the Intelligence Committee. (But) our guys are seeing unidentified stuff. They don’t know what it is. And I don’t know what it is. I don’t think they’re saying that it’s necessarily things from outer space, but it’s unexplained stuff. That’s. That’s off the Southeast coast of the United States and off the California coast. We’re trying to learn more about it. The Air Force is trying to learn more about it.”

Michael Bennet (Wikipedia)

Michael Bennet has a front row seat to the X-files as an Intelligence Committee member, but he wasn’t saying much and didn’t make any promises, although he did confirm that the military is seeing “unidentified” and “unexplained” stuff.

“I’m focused on things like getting rid of a lawless president — that’s first and foremost. Then I will work on out-of-worldly creatures.”

Eric Swalwell (Wikipedia)

When asked about UFOs by reporter Steer, Eric Swalwell avoided it by punting with a comment on the current president, two moves that won’t win him many votes from UFO and conspiracy believers and open-minded Republicans.

“I will say, though, I have met other pilots, commercial pilots, who have said that there are things that they’ve seen in the night sky, mostly the night sky. I used to be on the board of an airline, I talked to pilots who told me about that sort of thing.”

Deval Patrick (Wikipedia)

Former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick was on the board of United Airlines (UAL) and knows that pilots generally don’t report UFOs out of fear of losing their jobs. If he’s really had those conversations, he had to win them over by showing he shared in or at least respected their beliefs.

“I don’t know why the United States is so secretive about that issue compared to other countries. I love that stuff.”

Marianne Williamson (Wikipedia)

Anyone who knows about Michelle Williamson’s New Age beliefs will not be surprised with her answer to Steer’s question about the USS Nimitz pilot who saw UFOs, although “I love that stuff” is not quite the same as “I’ll throw open the X-files and tear down the fence around Area 51.”

William Weld (Wikipedia)

Perhaps the best comments came from Republican William Weld. He was much more open and expansive in his answers (watch the interview here), possibly because he’s run for president before. In an interview this week, he said, “I do think there’s extraterrestrial life out there” and he believes it’s probably “more intelligent” than us. While he seemed to scoff at the idea of “flying saucers” visiting Earth, he said “never say never.” In revealing his belief in the idea that memories are somehow passed down through generations and our minds passively receive them from grandparents and ancestors before them, he makes an interesting reference to the Bridey Murphy case, where a U.S. woman (Virginia Tighe) in 1952 was hypnotized and claimed to be the reincarnation of a a 19th-century Irishwoman named Bridey Murphy, possibly giving credence to stories of UFO abductions told by people under hypnotic regression. While Tighe’s claims were eventually debunked, Weld still remembers the story, as do many others. In answering a follow-up question about the files from the 2004 Nimitz sighting, Weld promised to “check it out” because “I’m a curious individual.” Curiosity is not the same as disclosure, but it’s a start and not a flippant punt to a remark about his potential opponent.

There are more presidential candidates visiting New Hampshire soon because of its February 11th primary. Will they be as open as William Weld to the UFO questions sure to come from The Conrad Daily Sun and intrepid UFO questionerer Daymond Steel? We’ll soon find out.

from Mysterious Universe

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