Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Mysterious Drones Fly Near Denver as Colorado Residents Fear a Government Cover-Up

“They’re he-ere!”

Anyone who remembers the movie “Poltergeist” knows that hearing someone say those words is not good news. That could explain why residents of Castle Rock, Parker and Fort Collins, Colorado, aren’t thrilled to hear the news that the mysterious giant drones that have been flying in formation over parts of northeastern Colorado and across the border into Nebraska are now moving west and southwest and are getting dangerously close to Denver — Castle Rock and Parker are just a few miles south of the state’s capitol and most populated city. This may also explain why residents in those cities and those in the northeast who have been seeing these drones every night since a week before Christmas are skeptical at best about the announcement that a government task force has been set up to investigate them. With many believing these drones are tied to the military, they’re wondering if this is an investigation … or a cover-up.

It wouldn’t be such a mystery if the drones appeared at dusk rather than at night.

“You could see them. There were four of them, perfectly spaced. I don’t understand why they don’t want the public to know unless there’s something hidden.”

Castle Rock resident Jim Tewes told the local Fox News affiliate that he’s seen the drones on multiple nights and they’re definitely not airplanes or helicopters. Castle Rock is considered to be part of the Denver metropolitan area even though it’s halfway between that city and Colorado Springs, the home of the US Air Force Academy. Tewes wife, Patti, is more forceful in her assessment of the growing fear of a conspiracy.

“The fact that no one is jumping on it from the government, the FAA doesn’t seem concerned, it’s got to be the government.”

What are they watching?

Now that the giant drones are both literally and physically out in the open, more people are coming forth with sightings, including Castle Rock’s Brian Swanson, who claims he may actually be a target for the mysterious force behind them. He has taken a video of the drones he claims have been flying over his home for two years. Swanson told ABC Contact7:

“They’re just kind of like trailing me. You don’t mention it too much to people because they think you’re nuts. It just ain’t normal stuff in the sky … Who’s operating the drones? is it legal to do this? I have no idea. No idea. I’d like to find out.”

Whether he’s really a target of the drones or not, many Colorado and Nebraska residents, not to mention concerned citizens around the country, agree with Swanson … they want to find out. Fortunately, the federal government is FINALLY here to help.

“We take every drone-sighting report seriously. Multiple FAA divisions are working closely with federal, state and local stakeholders to determine whether the reported sightings in Colorado and Nebraska are drones and, if so, who is operating them and for what reason.”

On January 6th, local law enforcement agencies from eastern Colorado held a meeting with several federal agencies and later announced the formation of a task force to try and identify the owner of the drones. The task force will probably need a bigger room for the next meeting because it now includes local sheriffs from numerous counties, the FBI, the FAA, the Department of Defense, Colorado Information Analysis Center, the Colorado Department of Homeland Security, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis and a few kitchen sinks.

“I don’t think it’s silly. It’s causing fear, and that’s not funny.”

Sorry, Phillips County Sheriff Tom Elliott, we’re not laughing at the drones but the idea that their nightly flights over many parts of Colorado and Nebraska for at least three weeks and quite possibly many months is a mystery to so many federal agencies and organizations chartered with protecting the public from just such fearsome aerial activities. It’s little comfort that everyone seems to agree it’s NOT aliens … but it’s becoming terrifying that the authorities have not been able to quickly solve this perceived threat. Are they waiting for a private citizen to do what none of them seem to want to (and warn against doing) … shoot one down?

Pilatus PC-12 drone hunter.

The task force claims to be looking for a command vehicle – a sinister-looking plain box trailer or van with antennas – that would be near the flight paths of a drone formation. Separately from the task force, the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention and Control is flying a state-owned high-tech Multi-Mission Aircraft – a Pilatus PC-12 airplane – this week over areas where the drones have been seen. So far, a spokesperson says “The joint operation found no verification of suspicious drones.”

No evidence of something that now hundreds of people and law enforcement officials have seen with their own eyes and a few smartphones.

Mystery … or cover-up?

This is far from over because …

“They’re he-ere!”

We’re he-ere!

from Mysterious Universe

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