Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Loch Ness Monster Gets Coronavirus Protection and its Own Media Site

While Bigfoot has more television series, a case can be made for the Loch Nessie Monster having the highest market value, business influence and worldwide popularity of any major cryptid. For proof, look no further than The Inverness Courier, the biggest media source for all things Nessie, which has broken big stories (including the first modern sighting in 1933), held Best-Of annual photo contests with big prizes and covers the latest scientific investigations (including the recent DNA tests). That reputation for cutting-edge Nessie coverage continued this week with info on how the creature is dealing with the coronavirus and the announcement of a regular ‘special section’ devoted to the Loch Ness Monster. Take that, Sasquatch!

“Nessie guards against coronavirus”

Sure, it’s a serious disease that may become a pandemic, but laughter is the best medicine, at least when it comes to dealing with the stress of the unknown, so someone in Inverness decided to protect the city’s valuable asset by placing a large surgical mask over its face. (Photos here.) OK, it was a large not-created-to-scale-or-even-a-good-likeness statue of Nessie, but it’s the thought that counts. In this case, for an artwork image of the Loch Ness Monster on Dores Road (which runs along River Ness and eventually becomes B852 and General Wade’s Road, which runs along the shore of the loch), the thought was to protect it from catching COVID-19 by covering its alleged mouth with a face mask and giving it a protective six-pack of alcohol-filled, germ-killing Corona beer. No one has taken credit for the act, but Nessie and the businesses of Inverness send their thanks.


“Report of strange spectacle on Loch Ness in 1933 leaves unanswered question – what was it?”

The Inverness Courier touts its ownership of all things Nessie with a “Did you know” tab on its new Loch Ness Monster section linking to a reprint of its first story on the monster, ”Strange Spectacle On Loch Ness,” published on May 2nd, 1933. The account uses an elegant prose sadly missing from today’s news coverage.

“There, the creature disported itself, rolling and plunging for fully a minute, its body resembling that of a whale, and the water cascading and churning like a simmering cauldron. Soon, however, it disappeared in a boiling mass of foam. Both onlookers confessed that there was something uncanny about the whole thing, for they realised that here was no ordinary denizen of the depths, because, apart from its enormous size, the beast, in taking the final plunge, sent out waves that were big enough to have been caused by a passing steamer.”


Thus began the modern life of the Loch Ness Monster, a life The Inverness Courier has covered, nurtured and occasionally contributed to. The year 2020 has its first sighting and, while the new Nessie section would love to be filled with more stories than the paper had in the record-breaking 2019, let’s hope those don’t increase as fast as coronavirus cases.

And let’s hope that a little levity and laughter, courtesy of the Loch Ness Monster, helps its human friends and those who depend on it for their livelihood weather the crisis.

from Mysterious Universe https://ift.tt/39Ejva3

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