Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Stuck at Home? Use These Webcams to Hunt for UFOs, Bigfoot, Ghosts and Monsters

The coronavirus has many people working at home, staying home instead of eating out, child-sitting and other activities. If one of your favorite hobbies or activities was looking for UFOs, ghosts, Bigfoot, cryptids and other paranormal things … you’re in luck! There are plenty of webcams with continuous feeds pointed at the sky, the waters, the buildings and the other places where these anomalies may occur. A guy in Ireland has already spotted the Loch Ness Monster four times from his easy chair! We’ve put together a list of webcams in various areas for you to try. Take a look, then wash your hands, grab the remote and start hunting from home.


Eoin O’Faodhagain is the king of Loch Ness Monster sightings, having made the first of 2020 plus three before that, all fby watching the 24/7 Loch Ness closed-circuit feed (watch it here), taking screenshots and submitting them to the Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register, which recognizes them as official sightings.

For power paranormal watchers.

Popocatepetl volcano UFOs

Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano is active and well-known for UFO sightings both during and independent of eruptions. The multiple webcams serve a useful purpose of providing officials with advance warnings of eruptions but many UFO hunters watch it religiously. (Watch them here.) In fact, there was UFO activity there just this week. (Video here.) Was it birds, bugs, drones, alien spaceships refueling or ships from the alleged alien base that uses Popocatepetl as a portal?

Leprechauns and Irish Fairies

This camera is hidden somewhere in Tipperary, Ireland, in a field The Leprechaun Watch website claims is enchanted and magical. The camera is said to be near a fairy circle so it’s possible that fairies, pookas, banshees, merrows and other Irish fairies could wander into view. The clock on site is accurate and it appears to be working. (Watch it here.) There’s plenty of interesting reading


Webcams at haunted sites are popular for a variety of reasons and there are plenty to choose from. A popular one is the Gettysburg National Military Park Live View (watch it here) of the storied Civil War battlefield, which has long been recognized as being heavily haunted. .

Ordsall Hall in Greater Manchester, UK, believed to have been built around 1177, has three webcams on its most haunted rooms — the Great Hall, the Great Chamber and the Star Chamber – where viewers can watch for the White Lady and the ghost of a young girl among others during non-visiting hours. (Links to the webcams here.)

The Willard Library in Evansville, Indiana, is a Victorian Gothic building built over 100 years ago and filled with enough ghosts to warrant three webcams in the Children’s Room, the Research Room and the Basement Hall (links here). There’s a Grey Lady and more allegedly haunting the library.

There are plenty of haunted theaters, but the Furman Theater at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina, lets you watch theirs from your easy chair with its WebTheatreCam (watch it here). Besides the theaters ghosts, you can also see sets being built and taken down as well as other interesting activities.


For Bigfoot watchers, the U.S. National Parks provide webcams everywhere for capturing glimpses of Sasquatch as well as the many other animals, birds, natural events and lost hikers that inhabit the park. Yellowstone has some, the Old Faithful cam being the most popular, but its greatest service is a list of links to all of the active webcams in other national parks. (Click here for the list.)

More UFOs

The coronavirus doesn’t stop you from going outside and looking up, where you’ll see plenty of UFOs every night, but if you prefer to stay indoors at look at beautiful scenery in the dark, check out the Stargazing UFO Webcam Site which lists cameras pointed at many of the mountain peaks in Wyoming, Colorado and Idaho. (See the links here.) During the day, these webcams can give you a great stay-at-home vacation until your net one.

There are more paranormally-related webcams around. Check out The Paranormalistics website (here) or just Goggle around. It beats getting fat raiding the refrigerator and your disaster provisions.

from Mysterious Universe

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