Sunday, March 8, 2020

UFO Secrets: “If we are wrong in taking this action, time will tell”

Colombian pilot claims to have filmed UFO

It was midway through 1971 when a brief but intriguing letter was sent to the Pentagon by someone who had some notable things to say about UFOs. He or she was, however, determined to remain anonymous. It was a letter that was also shared with the FBI – by Pentagon staff. If its contents were true, then it told an incredible story. In some ways, we could say that it amounted to a planned, “forced UFO disclosure.” As for the letter itself, you can read it at the FBI’s website, The Vault, (in this particular UFO portion of the site and specifically on page 110). With that said, onto the content of the letter. It begins as follows: “In approximately seven months or January, 1972, certain copies of top-secret documents shall be sent to the New York Times as well as two other newspapers. These documents are related to and will be an ostentation of the involvement of the Pentagon in the controversial ‘Unidentified Flying Objects’ or ‘Flying Saucer’ subject. It will show that not only the US Air Force was involved in UFO research but the other military branches as well.”

The source of the story continued : “Analysis and the actual conclusions of the classic UFO cases shall be revealed. This shall be accomplished by zeroxed [sic] documents and photographs that General Wolfe had reviewed when he was head of the Army’s UFO support program in the Pentagon during the Eisenhower years.” They concluded with these words: “Sorry, but it is concluded here that this is the best course to take because we feel that the secret UFO investigations are parallel in nature to the Times-Pentagon-Vietnam controversy. If we are wrong in taking this action, time will tell.”


As for that “Times-Pentagon-Vietnam controversy,” this is a reference to the so-called “Pentagon Papers.” say of this affair: “The Pentagon Papers was the name given to a top-secret Department of Defense study of U.S. political and military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967. As the Vietnam War dragged on, with more than 500,000 U.S. troops in Vietnam by 1968, military analyst Daniel Ellsberg—who had worked on the study—came to oppose the war, and decided that the information contained in the Pentagon Papers should be available to the American public. He photocopied the report and in March 1971 gave the copy to The New York Times, which then published a series of scathing articles based on the report’s most damning secrets.”

Now, let’s take a look at General Wolfe. He was actually General Kenneth Bonner Wolfe. The U.S. Air Force provides detailed information on the general: “Kenneth Bonner Wolfe was born in Denver, Colo., in 1896. He attended high school in Portland, Ore., and San Diego, Calif., and in January 1918 enlisted as a private first class in the Aviation Section of the Signal Reserve Corps. He received ground and flying training at Berkeley, Calif., and Park Field, Tenn., and in July 1918 was commissioned a temporary second lieutenant in the Air Service. He served for a brief period at Park Field as a flying instructor and then moved to Souther Field, Ga., in the same capacity. In January 1919 he returned to Park Field and in March of that year went to Carlstrom Field, Fla. In July 1919 he was made officer in charge of flying at Souther Field, Ga., and the following January was appointed chief engineer officer at the Air Intermediate Depot at Americus, Ga. On July 1, 1920 he received his Regular Army commission as a second lieutenant in the Air Service, and was promoted to first lieutenant that same day.”

The USAF adds: “He began a tour as flying instructor at Brooks Field, Texas, in November 1922, and during this time assumed charge of aero repair at that station in addition to his other duties. In May 1926 he moved to Clark Field, Philippine Islands, as plans and operations officer. He joined the Fifth Air Force on Okinawa in August 1945, as chief of staff and became commanding general two months later. After assuming command of the Fifth, he directed its transition from a mighty assault force to the occupational air arm of Japan and southern Korea, operating from headquarters at Nagoya, Japan. In January 1948 he returned to the United States and was appointed director of procurement and industrial mobilization planning at Air Materiel Command headquarters at Wright Field, Ohio. He was appointed deputy chief of staff for materiel at U.S. Air Force headquarters in September 1949. Rated a command pilot, combat observer and aircraft observer, General Wolfe has more than 7,000 hours flying time. He has been awarded the Distinguished Service Medal with oak leaf cluster and the Order of the British Empire.”

Papers do not reveal what steps the Pentagon and/or the FBI took with regard to this letter and its whistle-blower-type writer. At least one department of the DoD dismissed it out of hand. On the other hand, there’s the matter of timing and relevancy: the source, recall, suggested that revealing the government’s UFO secrets would be “parallel in nature to the Times-Pentagon-Vietnam controversy.” The time-frame was interesting too: Ellsberg provided the Pentagon Papers to the New York Times in March 1971. It was only months later that the mysterious letter surfaced. Of course, history has shown that no such mass-release of UFO documentation ever occurred. Was it all just a prank? Was the source speaking truthfully, but prevented at the last moment from disclosing whatever it really was they knew? Almost fifty years later, we will almost certainly never know. But, maybe one day, the bones of the story will be fleshed out – if someone is willing to chase down the story.

from Mysterious Universe

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