Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Loch Ness Monster: What Governments Know (Or Don’t)

Taking into consideration the fact that government agencies have investigated UFOs, psychic phenomena (such as ESP and out of body experiences), the world of the occult, and much more of a weird nature, it’s natural to wonder if those same agencies have ever investigated the Loch Ness Monster. Well, in a way, yes, there have been investigations. I should stress that while there are a few official files on Nessie, we’re not talking about highly-classified papers or anything like that. Nevertheless, the material that has been made available via the Freedom of Information Act does provide some interesting insight. Let’s take a look. One of the most intriguing stories came from the late Jim Marrs – and from data collected by the U.S. government’s “remote-viewing” programs. It was while Marrs was doing research for his book Psi Spies: The True Story of America’s Psychic Warfare Program, that he learned of the interest that the remote-viewers had in the controversy surrounding the Loch Ness Monster(s). On this issue, and in his book, Marrs said:

“Several sessions targeting the famous Loch Ness Monster revealed physical traces of the beast – a wake in the water, movement of a large body underwater. Their drawings even resembled a prehistoric plesiosaur, often identified as matching descriptions of Nessie. But when the viewers tried to discover where the object came from or returned to, they hit a dead end. The creature seemed to simply appear and disappear. Considering that reports of human ghosts date back throughout man’s history, the Psi Spies seriously considered the possibility that the Loch Ness monster is nothing less than a dinosaur’s ghost.” It should be noted, however, that plesiosaurs were not dinosaurs.

Now, let’s see what the U.K. government has said about the Nessies.  We’ll begin with the Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Center: JARIC, as it was known in the 1960s, when official interest in Nessie took off. As the National Collection of Aerial Photography (NCAP) state: “Based at RAF Brampton, Cambridgeshire, from 1957 to 2013, JARIC was the UK’s national strategic imagery intelligence provider. In the immediate postwar years one of its major tasks was the plotting and analysis of captured German Air Force reconnaissance photography. What had not been destroyed, or captured by the Soviets, was discovered in several locations by the Allies and shipped back to the UK. The joint UK/US work on this imagery provided unique intelligence on the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe during the early Cold War years before the advent of satellite imagery.”

David James was a U.K. politician who had a deep interest in the Loch Ness Monsters and the controversy surrounding them. Along with conservationist Sir Peter Scott and several others, James  -in 1962 – established the Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau. Not only that, James had significant ties to the U.K. military: he fought for his country in the Second World War. James later moved into the world of politics. It was as a result of his connections with the military and government that James came up with a bright idea: why not see if JARIC would be willing to examine and analyze photos and footage that purported to show Loch Ness Monsters? What began as just an idea went ahead. Certainly, the most famous connection between the Nessies and JARIC revolved around the 1962 sighting (and filming) of an alleged Loch Ness Monster by Nessie-seeker Tim Dinsdale.

It was the early morning of Saturday, April 23, 1960 and Dinsdale was several days into an expedition at the loch when something remarkable and – for Dinsdale – life-changing occurred. It was the final day of Dinsdale’s trip, so it was a case of now or never. Very fortuitously, for the man himself, it turned out to be now. Dinsdale succeeded in capturing – well, something – with his cine-camera. A small boat? A real Nessie? It very much depends on who you ask. As for JARIC’s conclusions, they said that their analysis showed that at one point the object/creature “appears to submerge” and that: “One can presumably rule out the idea that it is any sort of submarine vessel for various reasons which leaves the conclusion that it is probably an animate object.” Moving on to the late 1970s, the then-Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, got involved in the controversy of Nessie – in a way, at least.

As Tabitca Cope (the author of Dark Ness) stated on February 23, 2010: “The Sunday Times (Scotland) reports that the U.K. Government under Margaret Thatcher seriously considered an official hunt for the Loch Ness Monster. Newly declassified files from the 1970s reveal that the Government had considered importing bottle-nosed dolphins to search Loch Ness for evidence of Nessie. The plan was being considered by the Department of the Environment. The Department apparently believed that there were no legal obstacles to such a hunt however they were concerned about the political implications and possible opposition from animal rights campaigners.The reasons for the proposed hunt – which appears to have been abandoned – included boosting tourism.”

So, yes, government and military agencies have got involved in the Nessie controversy. But, sadly, there are no hidden, military bunkers where fantastic photos and films of Nessie are firmly locked away!

from Mysterious Universe

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