Thursday, May 14, 2020

Many Americans Believe in Bigfoot (But Not as Much as Aliens)

It’s often said that every state in the U.S. has had at least one Bigfoot sighting and every state has at least one Bigfoot organization. Bigfoot television series dominate reality shows of the cryptid kind, so it should come as no surprise that a new survey found 1 in 10 Americans profess a belief in the big hairy one. However, when compared to belief in extraterrestrials, Bigfoot is a distant third behind aliens and aliens (we’ll explain). Does Sasquatch need better public relations, a better name … or some better conspiracy theories?

“More than 1 in 10 American adults believes that Bigfoot is a real, living creature. Men and women are roughly equally likely to believe in Sasquatch. And whereas belief in alien theories peaked among Gen X, there was a strong cohort of Gen Z that expressed belief in Bigfoot. Millennials and Baby Boomers were slightly more skeptical.”

Those statistics come from CivicScience, a market research and opinion-gathering service claiming to be “the fastest, most sophisticated, and most democratic survey solution ever invented.” A recent study took CivicScience into the world of conspiracy theories to determine which of the myriad of conspiracy theories floating around do Americans believe in the most. Their survey of 3,445 U.S. adults (ages 18 and up) found that 4 in 10 polled adults believe in conspiracy theories, and of the most popular ones, 28% would put their money on “Aliens/extraterrestrials have visited humans on Earth.” Number 2? “The U.S. government is hiding evidence of aliens at Area 51” was believed by 23%. As revealed before, 11% believe “Bigfoot/Sasquatch is a real, living creature.”

Always be honest on surveys

“Given the high number of alleged Bigfoot sightings in West Coast states, it may come as no surprise that belief in Bigfoot is strongest in the western U.S., and in rural areas in general.”

The survey also found that the vast majority of Bigfoot believers (43%) earn less than $50,000 annually, while belief is only at 11% among those earning $150,000. That’s important to CivicScience’s client base, which was probably more interested in statistics deeper in the survey showing Loch Ness monster believers (8% on the conspiracy scale) preferred Wrangler jeans more than Bigfooters, while the Sasquatch side prefers Fox News more than Nessie believers do. Bigfooters are also more ready to end the coronavirus shutdown than Nessie believers.

This is all every interesting, but why is Bigfoot in a conspiracy theory survey? Here are just a few of the theories about the big hairy one from The Week.

  • A DNA test proved that Bigfoot is a part-human hybrid…and deserves U.S. citizenship.
  • The government secretly removed burnt Sasquatch corpses from Mount St. Helens after the 1980 eruption.
  • Bigfoot is really an alien. (Wouldn’t this screw up the survey? Asking for a friend.)
  • Sasquatches appear in the Bible.
  • The government captured a live Sasquatch in 1999 on Battle Mountain in Nevada.

In case you‘re wondering, Bigfoot does lead Nessie in conspiracy theories (Nessie is an alien is the big one) and also finished the CivicScience poll ahead of beliefs in chemtrails, the Illuminati and a fake moon landing in 1969.

Behind Bigfoot AND Nessie? Not good news for chemtrail believers.

Yes, this is all very interesting … but does it mean anything?

“While Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster are certainly just campfire stories for the vast majority of U.S. adults, there is a small contingent of Americans that express belief in these mythical creatures. These believers tend to live in rural areas (though not exclusively), and they’re also very active on social media and YouTube.”

Here’s one more conspiracy theory for you to ponder: big corporations pay research firms big money to find out as much as they can about alien, Bigfoot and Loch Ness Monster believers.

What are they REALLY trying to sell you?

from Mysterious Universe

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