Monday, August 31, 2020

Flying Cars, Star Trek’s 2020 Prediction and More Mysterious News Briefly — August 31, 2020

Mysterious News Briefly — August 31, 2020

The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode “Past Tense” transported Commander Sisko and Dr. Bashir back to the year 2024 where they found chaos that started in 2020. Let’s hope that Mr. Spock was thinking about 2021 when he said, “Live long and prosper.”

The Japanese company Sky Drive Inc. conducted the first public demonstration in Japanese history of a flying car with a person in it. George Jetson called – he wants to know if they need any Spacely Space Sprockets.

If one encounters a polar bear on an Arctic tour, one expert suggests backing away slowly while peeling off your clothes one item at a time to give the curious (Ursus maritimus) something to play with while you run away buck naked. It also gives your friends a better video to show at your memorial.

A Finnish technology company has released the Polish Type font – a new font that automatically converts offensive language, racial slurs, insults and more into neutral text. Not surprisingly, all of the reviews are in  gibberish.

To study how cells are able to travel so accurately through the human body, researchers built a tiny maze and watched while blood cells find their way through them. If the pandemic shutdown doesn’t end soon, look for ‘Survivor: White Blood Cell Maze’ this fall.

The Flint (Michigan) Bishop Airport announced it will be the first business and airport in the country to equip agents and officers with Smart Helmets that will detect elevated temperatures in waiting passengers. To avoid false positives, let your Cinnabon cool before stuffing your face.

For the first time since the first rocket was launched, researchers from the University of Bern were able to observe space debris during daylight hours. “Have you heard about my new brain chip?” asked Elon Musk.

Residents of Nottinghamshire, England, are being warned by wildlife experts that “spiders the size of your hands” will be invading homes for the next few weeks looking for mates. Those with small hands can expect calls from friends asking to move in for a few weeks.

The 56-year-old Orbiting Geophysics Observatory 1 (OGO-1), launched in September 1964, finally fell back to Earth this weekend over French Polynesia. Fittingly, astronomers tracking its demise swore they heard it playing the last big satellite song, “Telstar.”

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has called for an end to daylight saving time because it disrupts sleep and increases the risk of health problems and motor vehicle accidents. It’s a slippery slope – first they came for daylight saving time … then they came for texting.

from Mysterious Universe

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