Thursday, August 20, 2020

Mysterious News Briefly — August 20, 2020

Mysterious News Briefly — August 20, 2020

The Washington State Department of Agriculture has trapped the first male Asian giant ‘murder’ hornet to be detected in the United States. Even scarier, it was smoking a cigarette and had a satisfied grin on its tiny face.

Scientists studying the faces of ancient human sculptures from around the world determine that there are universal facial expressions that signal the same emotions across cultures. This could explain why gargoyles all have the same expression of displeasure at being the end of a gutter.

New research finds that honey may be better than conventional antibiotic treatments for upper respiratory tract infections. Get ready for the price to skyrocket and drug companies to offer it in daytime and nighttime formulas.

The RoBeetle is an insect-size microbot that can run for up to two hours fueled by alcohol. It can go even farther if it’s top-shelf stuff and the RoBeetle paces itself.

Researchers attempt to learn more about human evolution by studying how young Central African chimpanzees develop a toolbox of termite-fishing tools and customize them to improve their efficiency. Fortunately, at no time in the study did any scientist say “Uh-oh.”

Infectious disease researchers have used a gene editing approach to remove oral herpes from mice. That’s exciting news, but have you ever found a mouse in the bathroom looking in your mirror at a cold sore?

A Rutgers University study found that the ease of finding information on the internet is hurting students’ long-term retention and resulting in lower grades on exams. A Google-aided C is now called a C-ri.

A new study finds that during the Black Death bubonic plague of the 14 century, some Florentines socially distanced while others partied at local drinking establishments. When the recommended cure is a mouthful of cloves followed by two slices of bread soaked in wine, can you blame them?

from Mysterious Universe

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