My previous article was titled “Roswell: Why Can’t We Get the Proof?” Today’s feature is: “Bigfoot: Why Can’t We Get the Truth?” Clearly, my mind is on two similar paths! The latter question, though, is an important one. There’s no doubting that. There’s also no doubt at all that the Bigfoot creatures are the most well-known “cryptids” in the field of monster-hunting. And, I would suggest, with the creatures of Loch Ness, Scotland in second place. Having taken part in expeditions in search of Bigfoot, written a book on the subject, been on various TV shows discussing the subject, and lectured on the topic, I think I can say I know a fair amount about the subject. There is, however, one issue that needs to be addressed: why is that we can’t find hard proof that the creatures are real? The question is not a simple one. In fact, it takes us down some very strange avenues. Reports of Bigfoot date back decades. We can push things even deeper into the past by taking a look at the many and varied 19th century newspaper articles on so-called “wild men” encounters. Huge numbers of people have seen the Bigfoot creatures. Some of the more lucky creature-seekers have taken photos and shot film-footage of the animals – which is usually subjected to a wealth of debate and controversy. Even audio recordings of the animals have been made. Some of that material, in my view, is pretty impressive. There’s a big problem, however. It’s Bigfoot’s incredible elusiveness, which is something that prevents us from getting the proof we seek.
Here’s the reality of the situation: Bigfoot creatures have been seen throughout almost all of the United States. They are massive animals, around six-and-a-half to seven-feet tall. In some cases, they’re described as being even taller than that. In other words, they shouldn’t be hard to see. They tower above us. Yet, they seem to have a never-ending “here one second, and gone the next second” aspect to them. Now, we come to the matter of proof. Or, the lack of it. While I absolutely conclude that the creatures do exist, I also conclude that Bigfoot is more than just an unknown, North American ape. Despite all of the data, testimony, photos and footage, we lack (to a 100 percent degree) any and all hard proof for the existence of the animals. Despite what has been loudly claimed at times, there is no Bigfoot DNA to be studied. None. Period. No teeth or nails to make a case. No hair or fur that can be said to be truly anomalous. It’s all about “maybe,” “possibly,” and so on. On top of that, there’s the matter of the creatures getting shot. Yep, there are such claims. Show me the body? It hasn’t been done, despite all of the field work and expeditions. Not even once. Also on the matter of shooting the beasts, it’s a baffling fact that bullets seem to have no effect on the Bigfoot creatures. Moving on…
Have you ever heard of a Bigfoot being hit by a vehicle? Yes, there are some such reports and testimony. Here’s the problem, though: so far as we know, there is no absolute proof to show that a Bigfoot has ever been struck and killed by the driver of a vehicle. Most of us never seen a grizzly bear in the woods. The same is the case when it comes to mountain-lions. But, some people are lucky enough to see grizzly bears and mountain-lions. And, now and again, they do get hit and killed by drivers on the roads. Bigfoot, however, eludes getting killed on the roads one hundred percent of the time. I can accept the Bigfoots carefully avoiding getting killed – most of the time – along the winding roads of dense forests. But, with a perfect success rate on every single occasion? For me, that’s stretching things way too far. Why are the creatures almost always solitary? Why have we never come across a baby Bigfoot that can be shown to be proof? Or a juvenile? Certainly, there are such accounts out there. Proof on show? Nope. None. How can such massive beasts – that are seen all across the United States – never, ever be caught or killed by us? Or, when such a claim is made, the source cannot provide some sort of hard evidence.
This all brings us to the weirder side of the Bigfoot phenomenon. Like it or not (and most Bigfoot seekers don’t like it, which is just too bad), there are reports of Bigfoot vanishing in a flash of a light. Other witnesses have said the animals disappeared – as in literally – right in front of them. Some say tthe animals can temporarily disable us by hitting us with infrasound, allowing them to make their escapes. Now, as I see it, there is no good reason as to why people should be seeing Bigfoot that can dematerialize, or that appear to step into another realm of existence. We’re talking about the likes of dimension-hopping animals. Yet, people do report such things, even though the numbers are admittedly small. Why is there no undeniable proof for the existence of Bigfoot? The answer: because Bigfoot is not what it appears to be. Pursuing the Bigfoot mystery from a zoological approach is ridiculous. Bigfoot is too elusive and too fucking weird. Of course, there’s no proof, either, for those stories of bullets having no effect on Bigfoot, or of the monsters disappearing before the eyes of shocked people. The fact is, though, if Bigfoot is only an ape, then there shouldn’t be any reports – at all – of dematerializing Bigfoot. Nor should there be any claims of Bigfoot seeming to make their escapes via portals while strange lights hover in the sky. This all takes me to where I began. Namely, that question: why can’t we get proof for Bigfoot? It’s simple: these things are something much more than we assume them to be. History shows that just collecting more and more reports of Bigfoot is getting us nowhere – aside from having to buy more and more filing-cabinets. I suggest we’ll only get the proof of Bigfoot when we start looking at the mystery from an alternative perspective.
from Mysterious Universe https://ift.tt/32pdRHr
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