Thursday, September 3, 2020

Fake Black Holes, Moon Rust, Robot Pain and More Mysterious News Briefly — September 3, 2020

Mysterious News Briefly — September 3, 2020

Forget exoplanets … City University of New York physicists propose that strange life forms are living in the center of stars. Let’s find them soon so we can study their air conditioning systems.

A new study found that expensive placebos work better than the same sugar pills sold at a cheaper price. Why isn’t it legal to pay for placebos with counterfeit money? (Asking for a sick friend.)

The Breakthrough Listen Initiative has increased the number of star systems it is monitoring for signs of extraterrestrial life from 1,327 to 288,315. This requires scanning for a new range of signal types and a massive storage upgrade to its address book.

Astronomers at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa propose that the dark energy accelerating the expansion of the universe is coming from so-called ‘fake black holes’ or Generic Objects of Dark Energy (GEODEs) which move, spin and create dark energy without violating any of Einstein’s laws. This could also be the first instance of real fake news.

Amazon has received Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval to operate its fleet of Prime Air delivery drones in the US. Tests are expected to begin as soon as they can print smiles on a million drones.

Rust has been discovered on the Moon and scientists believe it is caused by oxygen from the Earth’s upper atmosphere that’s blown to the lunar surface by solar wind. Does this mean ‘gingers’ will have better luck hiding on the lunar surface?

Norwegian scientists propose running a submerged pipeline in the path of hurricanes to release bubbles that would cool the surface and stop warm-water-fueling hurricanes and tropical storms in their tracks – a technique they say works to keep Norway’s fjords ice-free. If this works, the recommended celebratory drink is champagne.

A recent study found that honeybee venom can destroy aggressive forms of breast cancer without damaging healthy cells. Look for the first ads for the eventual drug with music from Sting.

Robots may soon be able to feel pain using a new form of artificial skin developed by a team at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. It’s time for these scientists to take a break and binge-watch “Westworld.”

from Mysterious Universe

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