Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Home Brain Dissection, Magnetic Bacteria, Crab Cars and More Mysterious News Briefly — September 15, 2020

Mysterious News Briefly — September 15, 2020

A number of colleges are helping students taking science classes online during the pandemic by mailing brains, eyeballs and even entire fetal pigs so they can dissect them at home. If that doesn’t keep your parents out of your room, nothing will.

A new study proposes that animals are able to detect magnetic fields because of magnetotactic bacteria which live inside them and orient themselves along magnetic field lines due to a chain of magnetic structures inside their bodies called magnetosomes. They have no effect on humans, so don’t cancel the GPS just yet.

With enough water and the right temperature and pressure, some carbon-rich exoplanets could change composition from silicon carbide to mostly silica and diamonds. Could this push Elon Musk’s wife to ask him to rethink Mars?

Archeologists have found that ancient, unglazed clay pots can hold residue from every meal ever cooked in them, giving a new window into what generations of ancient cultures ate and how their tastes changed. It’s easier than trying to identify the stains on a cave man’s animal skin shirt.

Researchers have identified the specific regions of brain tissue where the gene ‘aromatase’ is located … aromatase is the gene that regulates sexual behavior in men. Guys, it may be time to invest in a sturdy helmet.

After five years of experiments, researchers in Australia have determined that the native scorpion population has increased dramatically because of an equally dramatic decrease in their natural enemies – especially digging, rat-like marsupials like the bilbies (Macrotis lagotis). Sounds like they should have spent some of that time experimenting with recipes for scorpions.

A new all-electric version of the General Motors Hummer has a “Crab Mode” that allows it to move in any diagonal direction by turning all four wheels. If you listen closely, you can hear crabs saying, “Hold my beer and watch this.”

By biosynthesizing tiny gold nanoparticles inside cancer cells, scientists are now able to destroy them from within. Before you ask, it’s not enough gold to make getting cancer profitable.


from Mysterious Universe https://ift.tt/2ZClE2Q

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