Thursday, September 10, 2020

Japan and the U.S. Form an Alliance over UFOs

Back in late April of 2020, Japan’s Defence Minister Taro Kono asked/demanded that the U.S. government give him more data on the Nimitz Tic-Tac UFO videos, even though Kono said that no Japanese military pilot has even admitted to seeing a UFO/UAP. At the time, it seemed the U.S. government wasn’t too keen on sharing anything more than the already-public videos with Japan. Well, something has changed since then. On September 8, 2020, during a question-and-answer session in a press conference, Minister Kono had this to say:

Q: Regarding UFO, we would like to ask about your policy. It was in May, and when I heard it on this occasion, I thought that I would consider it, but what about the status of the examination? Also, what are your thoughts on cooperation between Japan and the United States and cooperation between the United States and Japan when you find an unidentified flying object?

A: We will soon be addressing the policy. Japan and the United States were talked about during the meeting with Secretary Esper in Guam the other day. I must refrain from elaborating on the details, but I would like to continue to cooperate firmly in the future.

Q: Does that mean that you have been working together on UFOs in the future?

A: I would like to refrain from elaborating on the details.

According to, the “meeting with Secretary Esper in Guam the other day” refers to a confab on August 29.

“On August 29, Secretary of Defense Mark T. Esper hosted Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono in Guam, where they reaffirmed the strength of the U.S.-Japan Alliance and discussed ways to deepen and expand bilateral defense cooperation. Secretary Esper and Minister Kono exchanged views on their shared vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific region. The Secretary expressed serious concern regarding Beijing’s decision to impose a national security law in Hong Kong, as well as coercive and destabilizing actions vis-Ă -vis Taiwan. Both Ministers restated their commitment to maintain a rules-based order in the East and South China Seas, and more broadly in the region and world.”

As usual, public discussions of UFOs/UAPs by military and government officials stress that they are “security” issues with other countries – in this case, China – and not about extraterrestrial crafts. That’s reinforced in the U.S. Defense Department press release on the meeting:

“Secretary Esper and Minister Kono agreed to continue efforts to support interoperability and to enhance Alliance capabilities, particularly for integrated air and missile defense (IAMD) and for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) functions. They also agreed on the importance of secure networks and of strengthening information security to protect advanced defense technologies.”

While the U.S. stands firm on releasing anything other than the Tic Tac videos, the Japanese Defence Minister hints that he may lean the other way on UFOs, stating that “We will soon be addressing the policy.” Soon? What’s the hurry, Minister Kono? Do you know something already that you would like confirmed by the U.S.? Is this a veiled threat to make a revelation public if the U.S. doesn’t share what it has in the files with you?

“Friends, we are working diligently on Phase II of our efforts to validate this topic. We now MUST engage our international friends and partners. As you already know, this is not only a U.S. phenomenon, it is indeed global. Is the international stage ready? I think so.”

People like Luis Elizondo, former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (ATTIP) and current proponent for disclosure, think pressure like this from Japan will help.

There was a time when the U.S. always won these contests of “Mine is bigger than yours so we do what I say.” Those days seem to be over and countries like Japan, especially with its proximity to China, are swinging big ones too. Let’s hope this pushes more UFO disclosure before the big one swings back the other way and the zipper closes.

from Mysterious Universe

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