Saturday, September 12, 2020

Retired Pilot From Nimitz Tic-Tac UFO Incident Talks About “Little Green Men”


There is probably no more credible witness to the 2004 USS Nimitz Tic-Tac UFO incident than David Fravor, the retired Commander of Strike Fighter Squadron 41 (VFA-41), more popularly known as the “Black Aces,” who flew the F/A-18F Super Hornets that encountered the so-called Tic-Tac UFOs. After all that time, one would think Fravor would have said everything there is to say and divulged every secret there is to divulge. One would be wrong.

“When you actively jam another platform that’s technically an act of war.”

In a recent interview (watch it here) with podcaster Lex Fridman, a Russian-American research scientist at MIT whose work centers on human-AI interaction, Fravor starts by describing the actions the Tic-Tac UFO took that convinced him as a Navy pilot engaging with it to make the “act of war” assessment. After its unbelievably rapid exit from his sight, Fravor informed a second pilot, Chad Underwood, who gave chase. Catching up, Underwood was able to aim and fire his radar gun at the UFO. When the signal bounced back to him, that’s when Underwood knew things got serious.


“He’s telling the radar, ‘Stare down the line of sight, whatever is there I want you to grab it and build a trace file on it,’ which will tell you where it is, how fast it is and the direction that it’s going. The radar is smart enough that when the signal comes back if it’s been messed with, it will tell you – it will give you indications that it’s being jammed…. It’s being jammed into about every mode you can see… You can tell it’s being jammed.”

Jamming radar is taught to U.S. pilots to be an act of war. By definition, the U.S. pilots would have been within their rights to engage with the UFO. The problem, as has been described many times since the videos were finally released in 2017, was that the UFO did something seemingly impossible.

“When I got too close to it, it decided I’m out of here and did something we had never seen.”

Unable to reach anywhere near its speed, the pilots let the Tic-Tac leave. In the interview (pertinent quotes have been summarized in The Daily Star, and other sites), Fravor pushes his idea that the Tic-Tac was a solid object, not a decoy hologram as some have proposed. At that point, he begins to build his case for what it might be. He believes that if it was advanced technology developed by the U.S., it would have been impossible to keep it hidden since 2004. The same would be true for other countries as well. Because it was so advanced, it had no need to take offensive actions against the pilots – it merely observed and “mirrored us.”

Then the pilot dropped his bombshell (no pun intended):

“I don’t like to get into little green men but I don’t think we’ve developed it.”

At this point, it’s worth noting that Fravor doesn’t think the military or the government could keep an aircraft with that capability secret for 16 years, but he seems to have no problem accepting that it may have kept the existence of an alien aircraft secret that long. Perhaps it might have been more difficult to keep quiet if the craft had been captured, shot down, crashed or in some other way provided some solid evidence of what it might be. It’s only been in 2020 that former Senator Harry Reid and other UFO insiders have hinted that material evidence of alien crafts exists, although they quickly backtrack under pressure.

Both Fravor and Underwwod have risked their reputations and careers on exposing the Tic-Tac UFO and have not backtracked. If anything, as this interview suggests, they’ve become more open. However, it’s obvious Fravor doesn’t have the solid evidence either – just the fervor to get as much out in the open about the 2004 Nimitz incident and the Tic-Tac UFO and any others there might be.

Let’s hope he can, because:

“When you actively jam another platform that’s technically an act of war.”

By little green men.

from Mysterious Universe

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