Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Was Arecibo Telescope Intentionally Damaged to Prevent a UFO Revelation?

If you thought it was strange that the huge Arecibo Observatory telescope in Puerto Rico was damaged and shut down by a single cable accident, you’re not alone. If you were suspicious about the asteroid that passed by Earth recently so close that it set a record yet no one seemed to have seen in coming, you’re not alone either. If you think those two event might be related, you’re part of a growing group that wonders if the telescope was sabotaged to prevent it from detecting that the asteroid was actually a UFO. Was it?

“One of the auxiliary cables that helps support a metal platform in place above the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, broke on Monday (Aug. 10) causing a 100-foot-long gash on the telescope’s reflector dish. Operations at the UCF-managed observatory are stopped until repairs can be made.”

The University of Central Florida (UCF) manages the massive telescope (second in size only to China’s newly-opened Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST)), which has survived hurricanes (including Maria in 2017), tropical storms and earthquakes since it went operational in 1963. The single 3-inch-diameter cable causing the shutdown was said to have snapped for no apparent reason – on a telescope that is constantly monitored and maintained and has never had an accident of this kind, even during high storm winds. Suspicious yet?

The Arecibo Observatory. Yes it's the same one from that Bond movie. No, you can't skate on it.

The Arecibo Observatory

“The asteroid approached undetected from the direction of the sun. We didn’t see it coming. [Sunday’s] close approach is [the] closest on record. If you discount a few known asteroids that have actually impacted our planet.”

Paul Chodas, who is the director of NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies, didn’t see asteroid ZTF0DxQ or 2020 QG coming on August 16th. The Palomar Observatory in California, didn’t detect it until around six hours after it passed by. NASA’s announcement used the excuse that the SUV-sized asteroid was “tiny.” Suspicious yet?

“The Arecibo radio telescope was knocked out of commission just a few days before, lands the possibility that this was a coordinated effort, so they could not see that this asteroid coming in, or what it actually was, a cigar-shaped UFO.”

Podcaster Daniel Liszt, aka Dark Journalist, brings the two suspicious events together and wonders if ZTF0DxQ was actually an SUV-sized UFO. His YouTube video generated many responses agree with him, as did a similar shorter video by UFO Sightings Hotspot. With 2020 being such a strange year and the Pentagon and the mainstream media being more open than ever about UFOs, it’s no surprise that the options were considered, the connections were made and people were suspicious. But … is it really possible?

2020 QG detected by NASA’s Zwicky Transient Facility (or was it something else?)

Let’s start with the cable. Who would sabotage a valuable telescope just to keep it from seeing a single unusual space object? Why only this one? Could it really have been the only telescope in the world that could see ZTF0DxQ – whatever it was? While it was the closest, ZTF0DxQ was one of many asteroids that have flown by without NASA or anyone else seeing them. Was this one so unusual that it had to be kept hidden from the public? If any amateur astronomers (who have been observing a lot more events lately since the pandemic shutdown) recorded it, should they keep it to themselves? To get fully conspiratorial, could this be a coordinated smokescreen to distract the public’s attention from something else? After all, this IS 2020!

What do you think? At this point, a connection between Arecibo and ZTF0DxQ seems creative but coincidental, not conspiratorial. However, all that could change if more information is uncovered.

from Mysterious Universe https://ift.tt/3gTL4iA

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