Tuesday, October 6, 2020

An American Surgeon and Expert on Alien Implants

For just about as long as there has been talk of UFOs and aliens, there has been that of these entities whisking people away for mysterious purposes. One of the weirder features of the alien abduction phenomenon are those cases in which some sort of physical evidence has been left behind on or in the bodies of the victims, and this can take many forms. Everything from burns, to strange lesions or rashes, to unidentifiable hairlessness, to myriad unexplained physical symptoms of all varieties have been seen in the alleged victims of UFO abductions, but some of the most remarkable of all are those instances in which some sort of foreign object has been left behind within the body of the abductee for purposes unknown. They are called “alien implants,” and can be simply small pieces of metal, strange wires, or other more sophisticated constructs like tubes or something akin to computer chips. Such implants have long been seen as very bizarre and fringe even within the UFO field, but there have been some seemingly very reliable witnesses to the phenomenon, and one of these must certainly be the surgeon who specialized in removing these outlandish otherworldly devices.

Roger Krevin Leir started out as a well-respected podiatric surgeon from California, who was not always known for his involvement with aliens and UFOs. He gradually picked up an interest in Ufology over the years and became a member of his local chapter of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), attending conferences, but at the time is was more a hobby than anything else. It was at one conference in particular that his life would be changed forever. In 1995, Leit attended a MUFON conference and was presented the X-rays of a woman who claimed to have been abducted by aliens. The X-rays were strange, and since Leir was a doctor they were shown to him to see what he thought. They appeared to show some sort of small metal objects embedded within her, and he went about having them surgically removed out of sheer curiosity.

Roger Krevin Leir

What he found was that the objects were two tiny metal shards that when analyzed by a laboratory showed them to be composed of aluminum and a type of iron typically found in meteorites. There could be found no traces of scars to show a point of insertion, nor was there any inflammatory tissue or rejection reaction by the body to these foreign objects. How did these objects get there and what were they? Leir was perplexed, and when he removed similar objects from a second patient he knew that there was something very strange going on. He decided to devote his time to studying this bizarre phenomenon, and would open a practice especially for this purpose, as well as a nonprofit research organization dedicated to it, called A&S Research, even hiring a dentist, a radiologist and a general surgeon to be a part of his team. What he would find over the course of at least 17 such implant extractions over his career would open his eyes to a whole new, bizarre world.

According to Leir, these implants really ran the range of strangeness. Some were composed of strange metals or elements, including Rare Earth Metals such U-236, as well as a single isotope of Uranium existing by itself, a very rare element known as Iridium, alloys with non-terrestrial isotopic ratios suggesting they came from space, and other strange anomalies. Implants would sometimes demonstrate odd qualities such as unknown odd crystalline structures and advanced constructs such as carbon nano tubes, carbon nano strands and carbon nano fibers, as well as an oily hard outer covering that seemed to prevent the body from rejecting them. The implants often displayed unusual magnetic properties, and some were claimed to emit radio waves of “deep space frequencies” in the FM band, as well as electromagnetic fields in excess of ten milligauss, with some implants continuing to transmit even after removal. There was never any visible point of entry into the body, and Leir claimed that these implants would sometimes move during surgery, as if trying to avoid being removed. The implants also had a high resistance to ordinary cutting techniques such as metallic sawing, or severing with a cutting instrument, forcing Leir to resort to cutting them with lasers at times. Some cases were particularly odd, such as one in which the implant broke and then reassembled itself after removal. Leir would write of this outlandish case in an article in X News Magazine as follows:

Case number 15 involved a male patient who was married with several young children and a resident of Southern California. He had a long history of abductions and they involved both his wife and family. One morning he awoke with pain in a toe and several small dots of blood on the bed sheet. This had occurred during the night and he made an appointment the following day with me in my office, as an ordinary foot patient. He withheld the fact that he was an abductee. He finally related to me the story about his last nights incident and confessed he had seen me on television. After examination I became suspicious that he did have a foreign body in his toe and suggested an x-ray. At the time there were no wounds or signs of blood. The x-rays proved positive for a metallic foreign body and because of his pain, it was recommended that it be removed. On his follow up visit he told me about his many abduction experiences and why he chose me as his specialist. The patient was given a copy of our extensive questionnaire and was told to fill it out and return them to me. Following that his surgery was scheduled.


The following is a partial list of unusual events associated with his surgery: 1. All of our surgeries are performed with the use of an X-ray device called a C Arm. This allows the surgeon to see the object on two television screens and we can visualize the instruments we are using to remove it while they are inside the body. This was the first object that broke into several smaller pieces during the process of removal. Each piece was placed on surgical gauze and then transferred into the container filled with the patient’s own blood serum. We had removed all the pieces except for one final piece. When we revisited the TV screens we noticed the final segment that was left was gone. After an adequate time of searching for it we simply gave up because it was not there and had simply vanished. 2. After three days went by, I reexamined the container holding the individual segments of the object and noticed they were all lined up in a straight line on the bottom of the container. I re-sealed the container and shook them up, placed the container on a table and waited about 15 minutes. Reexamination was shocking as they had again re-assembled themselves in the order they were in the x-ray. I called our camera operator. He came and we filmed this several times. We have no explanation for this metallic behavior and can only conclude that the alloys were some kind of memory metal.

One of Leir’s extracted implants

Making it even odder still was that in some cases the implants were estimated to have been within the subject for decades, meaning they predated any of the technology behind them should have been possible, and all of this convinced Leir that these were devices that had been planted there within the body by extraterrestrials for inscrutable purposes. His main theory as to their purpose was that they were possibly used for tracking people or monitoring physical changes, but it was anyone’s guess. He was very aware that his work was drawing some amount of criticism and skepticism, but he would claim that he had pursued his finding through the most stringent scientific methods. Leir would say of his surgeries and analyses:

To date our research team through our non profit, research organization, A&S Research has performed 17 surgeries for removal of objects from alleged alien abductees suspected of being alien implants. The implants have undergone rigorous examinations by both biological and metallurgical scientists associated with some of the world’s most prestigious laboratories such as Los Alamos National Labs, New Mexico Tech, University of Toronto, York University, Southwest Laboratories, Seal Laboratories and numerous others with the same validation. The discoveries have been both earth shattering and prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that these objects are non-terrestrial in origin and have been placed in humans all over the world by advanced species for reasons we still do not understand. It is my opinion that someone, or some entity, from somewhere else, is implanting these devices into human beings so that they can possibly monitor genetic changes which are occurring in the human body.

Leir would go on to write several books on the subject, including his hot-selling The Aliens and the Scalpel and Casebook: Alien Implants, as well as numerous articles, and he would appear in countless radio and television shows, cementing his place as a revolutionary pioneer into the phenomenon of alien implants within the UFO community. He also was the subject of the documentary Patient Seventeen, by investigative filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, who filmed one of Leir’s actual surgeries to remove an implant from a man’s thigh. The implant was then sent to be analyzed, although the results have remained inconclusive as to what the device is. Corbell, who went in skeptical and now has an open mind, has said of his experience with Leir:

I told Dr. Leir that I would film his surgery, but if he was lying, bending the truth or trying to deceive the public in any way by altering his results, that I was going to out him.  I asked him if he was sure that he wanted me to film his work, and he said, ‘Yes, Jeremy. I’ve been doing this for more than two decades, and there’s something to this!’ I don’t think belief should play a role here at all. I might be sitting on the most astounding physical evidence of an off-world, non-terrestrial nanotechnological device from an advanced Alien intelligence…or not. But you can be sure that I’m going to find out. I owe that to Patient Seventeen and I owe that to Dr. Leir.

Of course, with such amazing claims there are also plenty of skeptics, both within the medical field and Ufology. The main skeptical argument is that these are merely ordinary objects such as pieces of metal or shards of glass that have gotten lodged with the body in a way similar to splinters, or even simply disconnected collections of fat cells., and Leir has also been criticized for being reluctant to allow other independent doctors to do their own analyses of the objects in question. Also damning is a 1999 program called Penn & Teller: Bullshit!, which found that Leir had at one point been put on probation for 3 years by the California Board of Podiatric Medicine for “repeated acts of negligence.” Sadly, Leir passed away in 2014 at the age of 79 shortly after Patient Seventeen wrapped filming, taking whatever secrets he had to the grave with him. We are left to ask whether Roger Leir was a fraud or for real, and what his alleged findings mean. What did he find in these patients, if anything? If these really are what he claimed they were, then what are they for, and who put them there? Whatever the case may be, the phenomenon of alien implants has not gone away, and there continue to be those who claim to have these devices lodged within them. What does it all mean? We may never know for sure.

The post An American Surgeon and Expert on Alien Implants first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

from Mysterious Universe https://ift.tt/3nmDscx

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