Thursday, October 29, 2020

Another Compelling Sonar Image in the Depths of Loch Ness

Earlier this month, I wrote an article about a sonar image that showed a large creature deep below the surface of Loch Ness. It was hovering at just 62 feet from the bottom and has been described as the “most compelling” evidence to date of the Loch Ness Monster (the article can be read here). Just a quick update on that article – the sonar manufacturers have now confirmed that the image did capture a single animate object that was between 15-20 feet long and not 33 feet in length as was originally reported.

Now, a new image has been released that is equally as compelling and is baffling experts. It was taken on October 11th and the large creature was a little above the Loch Ness’ 607-foot bottom. And just like the first image, this new one was also taken by Cruise Loch Ness that is run by Ronald Mackenzie. Interestingly, the second sonar image was recorded just one mile south-west from where the first photo was taken.

Loch Ness

Leading sonar expert Craig Wallace, who is a marine robotics senior application specialist with Kongsberg Maritime AS, has surveyed the waters of Loch Ness half a dozen times and has admitted that he would be interested in going back to try and find the elusive creature. “They are very curious. These are of course large, clear and distinct contacts, all strangely near to the loch bed,” he said in reference to the most recent sonar images.

He went on to say, “It is hard to tell if it is a single creature or a large shoal of fish, which in itself would be unusual for Loch Ness. You don’t normally find such a shoal in that loch and so far down,” adding, “These fascinating images are genuine and unexplained contacts that would merit further investigation of the loch by more sophisticated sonar.”

Loch Ness

So what does Mr. Mackenzie think that his sonar captured? “It could be something that has come in to the loch. I have spent more time on Loch Ness than anybody I know and I can’t explain why suddenly we are getting these sonar contacts all of a sudden. It’s just incredible. I honestly think it’s a big fish of some sort, known or unknown to the loch,” he said. “I have been over that area for decades, tens of thousands of times. Now we have two similar contacts and in the middle of the loch. The latest looks the same. I’ve no idea what it is.”

Nessie expert Steve Feltham weighed in by stating, “These latest images help put together the most compelling case for a big creature swimming around Loch Ness.” “All the contacts are near the bottom or in the first 100ft up. It is a game changer – the first indisputable sighting of something very big and unexplained that’s in there.” The latest sonar image can be seen here.

The post Another Compelling Sonar Image in the Depths of Loch Ness first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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