Saturday, January 9, 2021

Why the Roswell Affair Wasn’t Extraterrestrial – Deal With it or Live in La-La Land

Despite the words of the naysayers, the fact is there exists a large body of material that strongly supports the “secret experiment” theory for what happened outside of Roswell, New Mexico in early July 1947. Such was the controversial and incriminating nature of the files and the experiments, they were buried decades ago – and they remain buried. Or, maybe, as I have suggested, all of that same incriminating data has been relegated to the furnace and the shredder. But, that doesn’t prevent a case from being made. Although pro-UFO researchers and investigators make a big fuss about the discoveries on the Foster Ranch, they seldom highlight the fact that, prior to the events of early July 1947, rancher Mack Brazel found the remains of two weather-balloons on the property. That is an important thing to note, as is this: there is no doubt that much of the material scooped up by Brazel was very balloon-like. And, we know that balloons had fallen on the ranch previously. Military balloons. Twice. If that doesn’t strike you as being notable, well, it sure as shit should.

In light of all this, few can deny that military devices – of varying degrees of secrecy – were dropping from the skies over New Mexico, in the late 1940s. Let’s see what else is on the table. Also in 1947, we have the following, found in FBI files declassified under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act: “Special Agent S. W. Reynolds of the Liaison Section, while discussing the above captioned phenomena with Lieutenant Colonel Garrett of the Air Forces Intelligence, expressed the possibility that flying discs were, in fact, a very highly classified experiment of the Army or Navy [italics mine]. Mr. Reynolds was very much surprised when Colonel Garrett not only agreed that this was a possibility, but confidentially stated it was his personal opinion that such was a probability. Colonel Garrett indicated that a Mr. [name deleted], who is a scientist attached to the Air Forces Intelligence, was of the same opinion.”

Nick Redfern at Roswell, New Mexico in July 2017 (Nick’s on the left)

Now, let’s have a look at the recollections of John A. Price. In a nearby town, Hagerman, he encountered a group of unusual children: all roughly four- to four-and-a-half-feet in height, with large and hairless heads and tiny noses and ears. One of Price’s sources told him of people with strange appearances held at Fort Stanton. It so happens that Fort Stanton is located in Lincoln County, New Mexico – the very same county in which the Roswell incident happened. “There were some pretty deformed young men there, several of which could be of alien nature. We only went by what we were told; please don’t tell anyone. Mongoloid large heads, small ears, pin heads who could function and had shrill voices. They were supposed to be of incest, but from their looks – Outer-space.”

Now, let’s move into the 1990s. That was when things really started to heat up. In 1991, ufologist Leonard Stringfield published an account of strange bodies secretly flown to Los Alamos from late 1945 to 1947. From where? The rumor was Japan. They were small corpses, with oversized heads and large eyes. Their skin was severely burned – as if they had been in some kind of accident. A nurse known to both me and Stringfield grudgingly confirmed that she knew something of this story – but preferred not to say too much about it, beyond confirming the basic data. In this same time frame, and through 1993, John Keel was pursuing the Japanese connection to Roswell. Keel said:  “If such a project was launched, they would have selected the smallest, lightest volunteers available…It is also likely they might have expired during the trip…their complexions would have been very odd, discolored by the cold…If even one such volunteer balloonist attempted the trip and crashed, we would have the answer to all those rumors and legends which persist to this day.”

In 1997, Roswell’s 50th anniversary, two interesting, and relevant, developments surfaced. One was the publication of Philip Corso’s book, The Day after Roswell, a book filled with controversy. Particularly notable is the fact that Corso was good friends with Major General Charles Willoughby, a central character in the secret program to get Japan’s Unit 731 files into the hands of the United States’ military. Some of those files contained Japanese plans for huge, advanced balloons. They would have been used against the U.S. had the war not finished. Also in 1997, Popular Mechanics magazine revealed that its staff had been tipped off to a forthcoming release of documents that would reveal a Japanese link to Roswell. As it happens, such files did not surface. That the magazine was given the story, however, suggests that behind the scenes someone in government wanted the story put into the public domain – even though they were thwarted from doing so. Or, maybe, they backed off due to fear and possible consequences of the dangerous type. Both scenarios are equally plausible.

Between 2001 and 2004, I interviewed the people who provided the material that appeared in my Body Snatchers in the Desert book. Also in 2004, the original, printed manuscript of my book vanished from the offices of Simon & Schuster in New York – something that provoked a great deal of debate and concern within the company. Months after the book was published, in the summer of 2005, Australian UFO authority, Keith Basterfield, revealed he had secured testimony from an Australian source who told him a near-identical story long before my book was published. Handicapped people, gigantic balloons, and secret projects – all of the key ingredients were there. The year 2005 was also revealing for two other reasons: (A) the coincidence of my book being published on June 21, 2005, and the fact that this was the very same day the Nazi War Criminal Records Interagency Working Group began addressing further wartime Japanese war crimes, including those of Unit 731; and (b) that the next day I was contacted by a representative of the IWG, and who specifically expressed interest in Body Snatchers in the Desert. The list goes on, despite the fact that so many wish it wouldn’t. Too bad: either accept the “secret experiment” angle or continue to live in dreamland.

The post Why the Roswell Affair Wasn’t Extraterrestrial – Deal With it or Live in La-La Land first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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