Sunday, March 7, 2021

Possible Ghost Face Captured on Camera at Hessle Foreshore Mill

While a woman was out for an evening walk, she snapped a photo of what appeared to be a ghostly face in the window of an old 19th century mill located in Hessle, Yorkshire, England.

The woman, who remained anonymous, described her experience, “Visiting Country Park Hessle Foreshore and the mill seems to have a ghost in the window.” “I did take a picture on my phone shown to a few people who have all agreed.” “We were having dinner in the car. I just said to my husband [there is a] face there. He doesn’t believe it but I can see it.” “Other people have said the same [and] also said, if you look closer, [you] can see more spirits in the picture.”

You can decide for yourself as the picture of the alleged ghostly face can be seen here.

(Not the photo from Hessle Foreshore Mill.)

Interestingly, another creepy photo was previously taken in the woods of Hessle. Back in 2013, Hannah Butler was out for a ghost walk when she took a picture that seemingly showed a young girl with dark hair and white clothing standing next to a tree.

Hannah explained that her friend wanted to do a ghost walk so she decided to join along. “Our guide showed us this tree, and told us that some people had seen the ghost of a little orphan girl there who is looking out to sea waiting for her daddy.” “I just snapped away at the tree, I must have taken about ten photos. I was wandering around, looking through them, and then I saw it.” “I thought I had just imagined her. It wasn’t on any of the other photos. Then I started freaking out. I was so shocked.” In fact, she was so scared that she stayed at her friend’s place for a few days after the ghostly encounter.

However, she believed that the ghost girl (believed to be about 5 or 6 years of age) just wanted to be her friend and Hannah was full of guilt because she responded by running away. That’s why she returned to the site the following week (but during the daylight hours) with her friend and the guide.

(Not the photo that Hannah took.)

They created their own “yes” and “no” board (what could possibly go wrong with a homemade spirit board…?) and the guide asked if the spirit wanted to be Hannah’s friend. They received a “yes” response.

Hannah claimed that ever since her encounter, the ghostly girl has appeared in her dreams on a regular basis. It sounds like the spirit may have attached herself to Hannah as she stated, “I don’t think she will ever leave me. I felt guilty for leaving Hull and moving away. But (I) feel like she could be anywhere around me,” adding, “If there was a dark room, I would always be scared that she was there in the corner, and I still feel like that at times.”

The picture that Hannah took of the ghostly girl can be seen here.

The post Possible Ghost Face Captured on Camera at Hessle Foreshore Mill first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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