Sunday, March 28, 2021

Stonehenge and its High-Level of Strangeness

Silent aircraft, helicopters that give off not even a single sound, and UFOs that display no noise were all the subjects of a recent article from me, here at Mysterious Universe. One of the cases I discussed involved an encounter near to Stonehenge. It made me think about sharing with you even more strange activity that has occurred at Stonehenge. Before we get to the heart of it all, though, I’ll share with you some information on the history of the place. Britannica say: “Stonehenge, prehistoric stone circle monument, cemetery, and archaeological site located on Salisbury Plain, about 8 miles (13 km) north of Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. Though there is no definite evidence as to the intended purpose of Stonehenge, it was presumably a religious site and an expression of the power and wealth of the chieftains, aristocrats, and priests who had it built—many of whom were buried in the numerous barrows close by. It was aligned on the Sun and possibly used for observing the Sun and Moon and working out the farming calendar. Or perhaps the site was dedicated to the world of the ancestors, separated from the world of the living, or was a healing center. Whether it was used by the Druids (Celtic priests) is doubtful, but present-day Druids gather there every year to hail the midsummer sunrise.”

Nick Redfern hangs out at Stonehenge

It should be noted that for decades portions of Salisbury Plain have been denied access to the public, specifically because the UK military use the area for various activity. And this is where some of the weirder things have gone down. Merrily Harpur (the author of an excellent book, Mystery Big Cats) has logged a fascinating account from one George Price, who had an undeniably bizarre experience on Salisbury Plain in September 2002, while then serving with the British Army. It was at the height of a military exercise, Harpur was told, and Price was a “commander in the turret of our tank, and we were advancing to contact our warriors.”  Suddenly, Price’s attention was “drawn to a ‘large, ape-like figure’ that looked scared because of the noise from the engines and tanks were moving at speed all around.” Although the beast was not in sight for long – it raced for the safety of “nearby prickly shrubs” – an amazed Price could see that “its fur was similar to an orang-utan in color…its height was impressive…[and] it seemed to run with its back low, i.e. bent over.”

While most students of the legendary structure conclude it had its beginnings somewhere around 3,100 BC, evidence of human activity in the area has been found suggesting a presence as far back as 8,000 BC. And a degree of that same presence is indicative of ritualistic activity, even at that incredibly early age. But, regardless of when, precisely, large-scale construction of Stonehenge actually began, what can be said with certainty is that it is comprised of a ditch, a bank, and what are known as the Aubrey holes – round pits in the chalk that form a huge circle. And then, of course, there are those massive stone blocks. No less than eighty-two of Stonehenge’s bluestones, some of which weigh up to four-tons, are believed to have been transported from the Preseli Mountains in southwest Wales to the Wiltshire site, a distance of 240-miles. Although, the actual number of stones is in dispute since, today, barely more than forty remain.

Certainly, such a mammoth operation to move such huge stones would be no easy feat in the modern era, never mind thousands of years ago. And yet, somehow, this incredible and mystifying task was successfully achieved. Stonehenge’s thirty giant Sarsen stones, meanwhile, were brought from the Marlborough Downs, a distance of around twenty-five miles. This might sound like a much easier task than having to haul the bluestones all the way from Wales. Hardly. As noted, the Welsh stones are in the order of four-tons. Some of the Sarsen stones from the downs, however, weigh in at twenty-five-tons, the heaviest around fifty. And people wonder why so much mystery and intrigue surrounds the creation of Stonehenge?

Now, onto UFOs. On December 25, 1985, and only hours after briefly seeing a cigar-shaped UFO hovering near Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England, Sandra Green – who was driving home after a late night Christmas Eve party, in the English city of Bath – had a bizarre dream in which three Men in Black warned her to keep her nose out of UFOs. That the dream was so graphic led Sandra to believe that the MIB had the ability to literally get inside her dreams, manipulate those very same dreams, and issue a bone-chilling warning – one she has not forgotten. Moving on: in the summer of 1999 I gave a lecture about UFOs while taking people on a coach tour around key sites in Wiltshire, England including the standing stones at Avebury, Silbury Hill, Royal Air Force Rudloe Manor and Stonehenge. While walking within Stonehenge, one of the coach party approached me and proceeded to tell me how, several years previously, he had seen a huge, black object of a very similar configuration flying silently over Stonehenge itself late at night. He was certain that what he saw was no conventional aircraft and the wonderment that he expressed as he was relating the account to me, was plain to see. What all of this tells us is that Stonehenge is a very weird place. But, fascinating and absorbing, too.

The post Stonehenge and its High-Level of Strangeness first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

from Mysterious Universe

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