Saturday, March 27, 2021

Tic Tac UFOs are Back Chasing U.S. Warships

The US Navy and the Pentagon were reluctant to admit the pilots from the USS Nimitz encountered Tic Tac candy-shaped UFOs off the coast of San Diego in 2004, but it’s assumed by many that there’s more in the files than was eventually released. That proved to be true this week when The Drive, a military news website with a knack for finding out secrets, revealed that at least one and possibly as many as five other warships encountered mysterious long-flying drones (UAVs or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) off the coast of Los Angeles in 2019 using more sophisticated equipment than was available in 2004. Yet it appears the UAVs were not able to be identified at the time or in subsequent investigations. What in the name of tiny mint pill-shaped candies is going on?

Did the navy ship #USSKidd #DDG100 encounter a UAP in July 2019 in So Cal OPAREA Trying to find out more. The ship logs indicate a “Snoopy Team” was deployed – an intel section that tries to visually ID objects. DM if you know more. Near San Clemente island #TicTac

U.S. warships like those in the report

This story begins with a 2020 tweet by Dave Beaty, a documentary filmmaker and “UFO Researcher Producer @ WWII Foundation who produced “The Nimitz Encounters – A Short Documentary Film.” Beaty appeared to be looking for info on an incident he heard about involving the destroyer USS Kidd (DDG-100) – an incident serious enough to deploy an onboard intelligence “SNOOPIE (Ship Nautical Or Otherwise Photographic Interpretation and Exploitation)” team. This alerted The Drive to get involved by making Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. In response, they received deck logs from the USS Kidd which pinpointed its location. That helped identify other ships in the immediate area, including U.S. Navy destroyers USS Rafael Peralta, USS Russell, USS John Finn, and the USS Paul Hamilton. From all of the logs, The Drive pieced together two nights of Tic Tac UAP sightings beginning on July 14, 2020.

The Drive has screen shots of the logs and detailed accounts of the various activities (see them here) which I will attempt to summarize. The USS Kidd reported two UAVs at around 10 pm and deployed the SNOOPIE team to document them. The ship then advised the USS Rafael Peralta, which activated its own SNOOPIE team and reported a “white light identified hovering over” the ship’s flight deck that matched its speed of 16 knots in conditions of low visibility and for around 90 minutes – indicating this was not a commercial drone. The logs of the USS John Finn also showed sightings.

Additional FOIA documents show that on July 15, the USS Russell spotted drones at 8:39 PM, and the USS Kidd saw them shortly thereafter, with both deploying SNOOPIE teams. The USS Rafael Peralta received a radio call from a passing cruise ship, the Carnival Imagination, notifying them that the drones are not theirs, and that they saw as many as five or six maneuvering nearby. The USS Rafael Peralta crew later saw four and then two more drones. The Drive notes that all of these sightings on July 15 were closer to shore than on the previous night and none of the ships appeared to have identified the drones.

Who or what is messing with U.S. warships?

Emails show a Navy and Coast Guard investigation began on July 17, with the FBI also being called in. Various possible sources or owners of the drones were identified, investigated and rejected. Just when the investigation seemed to stop, more sightings occurred – on July 25 and 30th by the USS Kidd. The Drive notes that it has not received other deck logs to determine if any other ships saw these UAVs.

The Drive asks the right questions, and we have a few more. Who is operating drones around U.S. warships? What kind of drones can travel 1000 miles from shore, reach speeds of over 45 mph and hover for 90 minutes? Are these military drones being clandestinely tested by the U.S.? If they’re foreign, why was there no combat? Are they related to the 2004 Tic Tac drones? Are they related to the “long cylindrical object” spotted over New Mexico by American Airlines pilots last month? If they’re aliens … well, good luck getting the Pentagon to reveal any more. One thing is certain – the Navy collected a lot of data that The Drive has only scratched the surface of.

Kudos to The Drive and Dave Beaty for their intrepid work and coverage of this breaking story.

The post Tic Tac UFOs are Back Chasing U.S. Warships first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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