Sunday, May 23, 2021

Alien Abductions & Surveillance On All Sides

We live in a world in which secret surveillance is becoming ever-more dominating. Just about every bit of data on our smartphones can be secretly accessed. Our every online activity can be scrutinized behind closed doors. Even our Smart TVs are wide open to hackers. And, who is responsible? That’s a very good question. Regardless of what you or me think of the Edward Snowden affair and its attendant revelations, the fact is that Snowden demonstrated – to an extraordinary and disturbing degree – just how much of a 1984-like society we have become. And in an incredibly short period of time, too. The National Security Agency and other agencies of government have the ability to penetrate just about every aspect of our private lives: our medical records, where we take our vacations, what books we might buy online, and more are all issues that can be easily accessed with the right technology. But, it’s not just government that has taken us down a path to an Orwellian nightmare. The surveillance state is now a part of our culture, too: take, for example, the outrageous trend of companies now regularly demanding access to the passwords of the social media accounts of their employees.

Of course, the primary reason for such widespread spying – and lying about the spying – is due to the current state of the planet: the war on terror, in other words. When it comes to shutting down terrorist cells, finding and wiping out crazed bombers, and tracking down those who would do us harm, surveillance technology has achieved a great deal. The problem is, though, that it has gone too far. The lunatics are now running the asylum. Common-sense has gone out of the window. Does an eighty-year-old lady – living with just her cat for company – really need to be a victim of data-collection? No. In other words, the surveillance has reached unwarranted, outrageous proportions.

All of which sets the scene for a study of another kind of surveillance, one which involves not terrorists – of the foreign or domestic kind – but none other than those people who claim to have been taken away by extraterrestrials. We’re talking about the alien abduction phenomenon. The government secretly spends vast amounts of money on monitoring those who claim to have been kidnapped by strange, unearthly beings with even stranger agendas? Most people would laugh at such a scenario. They shouldn’t though: that is exactly what is going on. And, it has been going on not just for years, but for decades. All around the world, people have reported close encounters with extraterrestrial entities. Witnesses describe being kidnapped in the dead of night by large-headed, black-eyed creatures from other worlds. Those same creatures have become popularly known as the Greys. People subjected to alien abduction typically report intrusive experiments that revolve around genetics, human reproduction, and even the creation of alien-human hybrids. There is, however, another aspect to the alien abduction controversy. It is, perhaps, the most sinister aspect of all.

Abductees very often report being followed and spied upon by military and government personnel. It is typical for abductees to see black helicopters hovering directly over their homes, in intimidating style. Mail is very often intercepted. Letters are opened. Phone-calls are monitored. Emails and social media are hacked into. Strange men dressed in black suits photograph the homes of the abductees. All of which brings us to the matter of what have become known in the domain of alien abduction research as “MILABS,” or “Military Abductions.” According to numerous abductees, after being kidnapped by alien entities, they are shortly afterwards kidnapped again…by the government. These follow-up MILABS are the work of a powerful group hidden deep within the military and the intelligence community. It is the secret agenda of these highly classified organizations to figure out what the goal of the so-called Greys really is. And, the best way for the government to get the answers is to interrogate and monitor those who have come face-to-face with the UFO phenomenon: the abductees, themselves. In other words, it’s a case of secret surveillance from all sides.

The post Alien Abductions & Surveillance On All Sides first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

from Mysterious Universe

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