Monday, May 24, 2021

Angelina Jolie’s Bees, Robot Painter, Tiny Human Hearts and More Mysterious News Briefly — May 24, 2021

Mysterious News Briefly — May 24, 2021

Biologists at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna successfully grew a bundle of human stem cells into a tiny artificial “heart” the size of a sesame seed that could beat rhythmically, squeezing liquid in and out of its chamber-like cavity. A huge success that also ruined eating a Big Mac bun.

NASA is requesting more than $11 billion in an upcoming infrastructure bill, including $5.4 billion just for the Human Landing System. If Congress refuses the request, watch for Jeff Bezos to check his couch for loose change.

Space Force launched a billion-dollar missile early warning satellite into orbit to scan the Earth below for the tell-tale heat generated by a threatening rocket launch. To be on the safe side, they’re still keeping that guy with binoculars who watches the ocean off the coast of North Korea for big splashes.

Extremely well-preserved Roman baths dating back 2,000 years have emerged from the sand dunes of Trafalgar Cape in southwest Spain – the bats are so well-reserved, they show the entire walls that were heated by an oven-like mechanism blowing hot air through them. Preservationists are rushing in to protect the baths before flippers renovate and subdivide them into condos with hot tubs.

Programmers, roboticists, art experts and psychologists from the University of Oxford and the University of Leeds spent two years developing an android named Ai-Da after Ada Lovelace, considered to be one of the first computer programmers, and let it paint the world’s first robotic self-portraits, which are on display at the Design Museum in London. Like the real Ada, Ai-Da kept complaining that a male robot would have been allowed to develop a selfie program.

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a radar-absorbent material that is tougher and more absorbent than the fragile skin used on current stealth fighters that will allow the next generation of stealth aircraft to be faster, more maneuverable and able to travel further. Students are begging researchers for scraps they can use to hide their stash.

A new theory suggests that ancient fossils of animals originating from South America that were found on the Antilles islands off Central America got there by walking across land masses that have long since sunk under the ocean. It’s not Atlantis but it could be the first evidence of traveling to Central America for spring break.

Researchers from Verve Therapeutics and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania have developed a CRISPR gene-editing technique that lowered the levels of cholesterol in the blood of monkeys. Rhesus monkeys may finally be able to eat Resse’s peanut butter cups.

Archaeologists in Maryland searching for the original site of St. Mary’s Fort, one of the earliest English settlements in North America, found a silver coin bearing the image of King Charles I and a maker’s mark dating it to 1633 or 1634. It’s not the fort but it may have come from the fort’s first cigarette machine.

Fans are still buzzing about actress Angelina Jolie allowing herself to be covered in bees for a National Geographic portrait on World Bee Day. She accidentally stepped on one bee so she named him Brad Pitt.

The post Angelina Jolie’s Bees, Robot Painter, Tiny Human Hearts and More Mysterious News Briefly — May 24, 2021 first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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