Friday, May 21, 2021

Bigfoot Sighting in Ashland, Ohio, Near the Site of a Famous Bigfoot Howl

The mask mandates are being lifted across the U.S. and many people are heading back to their gyms after a year or more of them being closed … well, except in Ashland, Ohio, where a woman leaving a 24-hour fitness center after her late-night workout encountered something she wasn’t in shape for – a nearly 8-foot, fast-moving Bigfoot!

“My 20 year old step daughter had a visual sighting last night in Ashland, Ohio. The date was 4/24/2021. It was about midnight and she had left a 24 hour gym that has woods behind it. She saw a gray over 7 foot creature after hearing a twig snap. She stated it was way too large to be human and it moved way too fast to be human.


She called us from the local Bob Evans parking lot in tears asking for us to come drive her home because she was so shook up. It was a terrifying experience for her. I went and inspected the area briefly the next day. I found many old deer tracks but no imprints of the creature she saw. I am not a hunter or a tracker and only spent about 10 minutes in the area.”

Ohio is one of the top states for Bigfoot sightings and Ashland is just a little over 80 miles from Salt Fork State Park, home of a popular annual Bigfoot conference and a recent sighting have the rest of the state tuned in to all things Sasquatch – including making reports to the Bigfoot Research Organization (BFRO) website. The report by the woman’s stepfather was investigated by well-known researcher and former Ohio resident Matthew Moneymaker. In his report, Moneymaker says he found both the witness and the stepfather to be credible, and the location outside the gym on Ashland’s east side to be conducive to Bigfoot activity.

“Whichever way that deer would use to access that island of woods behind the Warehouse Gym is likely the same pathway the sasquatch would have used. If deer or a sasquatch came to those woods from the north then there is only 100 yards or so of exposed field to cross (in the dark) before reaching a large swampy area connected to the Jerome Fork of the Mohican River. So the location is more plausible for a sasquatch than it appears at first in aerial photos. The key element is the presence of deer. That shows that there is both a pathway and a reason for a sasquatch to approach the edge of development late at night.”

The Richland Source, a local media site, contacted Moneymaker, who could not identify the woman because  she had asked that her name be removed from the report due to – you guessed it – ridicule from friends and stranger alike. That’s unfortunate, because Moneymaker rates this as a solid Class A Bigfoot sighting.

“In Ashland, there are only three possibilities. Either the witness is lying, which I am sure she is not. Or she saw someone in a Bigfoot costume, which makes no sense. Ordinarily in a hoax, the person reporting the sighting or taking the photos is in on the scam.”

BFRO lists six sasquatch sightings since 1943 in Ashland County, an area filled with creeks, woods and connections to other forested areas in park-laden Ohio. This is not far from where Moneymaker himself had a sighting in the 1990s and 50 miles from the area in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park where one of the two recognized ‘best’ Bigfoot howls was recorded. Moneymaker recommends that Ohio Bigfoot hunters focus on the swampy zone and Jerome Fork passes underneath the 71 freeway near the sighting – follow the deer paths and look for footprints, broken branches, signs of dwellings, etc.

This writer lives adjacent to the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and not far from Ashland. If you’re out hunting, I’m the one in the hat.

The post Bigfoot Sighting in Ashland, Ohio, Near the Site of a Famous Bigfoot Howl first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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