Friday, May 28, 2021

The Alien “Greys” of Ufology: Paranormal but Not Extraterrestrial

On more than a few occasions I’ve been asked why I believe that the UFO phenomenon is paranormal in nature, rather than being extraterrestrial. Well, one of the primary reasons is because of the parallels between the alien issue and that of something of a supernatural angle. And, today, I’m going to share with you one such parallel: that of the alien abduction phenomenon. Just about everyone knows the scenario: people wake up in the early hours of the morning, unable to move. They are surrounded by large-headed, black-eyed, dwarfish things standing around the bed. Sometimes, those creepy things will perform their activities right in the heart of the room. On other occasions, though, the poor victims are taken aboard a UFO. That’s when people are subjected to experiments of a terrifying nature. Blood, DNA, eggs and sperm are removed from the abductees. They are treated like lab animals. Then, when the operations are over, the abductees find themselves back in their homes, not always sure of how they found themselves back in bed.

It’s important to note there is nothing new – at all – about this scenario. The phenomenon has been with us, probably, since we’ve been around. It’s called Sleep Paralysis. The medical side of all this, from WebMD, goes as follows: “Sleep researchers conclude that, in most cases, sleep paralysis is simply a sign that your body is not moving smoothly through the stages of sleep. Rarely is sleep paralysis linked to deep underlying psychiatric problems. Over the centuries, symptoms of sleep paralysis have been described in many ways and often attributed to an “evil” presence: unseen night demons in ancient times, the old hag in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and alien abductors. Almost every culture throughout history has had stories of shadowy evil creatures that terrify helpless humans at night. People have long sought explanations for this mysterious sleep-time paralysis and the accompanying feelings of terror.”

Then, there are tales of the fairies and of the “little people” of centuries long gone. The little people – like fairies all across the planet – had an obsession with human reproduction: they stole newborn babies from their cradles, sometimes replacing them with one of their own, magical kind. It was a creature termed a “changeling,” most often a fairy baby, but sometimes an ailing, very old fairy. On other occasions, the fairies left effigies, often carved out of wood, and known as the “stock” or the “fetch,” which were designed to resemble a baby. In mere days, however, the effigy would degrade, revealing it to be nothing more than the rotted wood of an old tree. It hardly needs saying that none of these replacements offered any kind of comfort to the distraught parents, who just wanted their children returned as soon as possible. Unfortunately, they seldom were – if ever.

There was a very good reason why the fairies were so intent on kidnapping human babies: a staple part of fairy lore tells of how the creatures were very often blighted in their attempts to reproduce, with miscarriages and deformities leading the pack when it came to fairy births. So, they would try and strengthen their stock via the introduction of new blood: ours, to be precise. Generally, the stolen baby would, as an adult, marry into fairy nobility. Then there is the matter of what we might call “missing time.” One thing, more than any other, confirmed an encounter with the fairies. Namely, when the person – or, perhaps, “the victim” is a better term to use – who had encountered these magical beings were returned to our world, they typically found that days, weeks, or even years, had gone by, despite being absolutely certain in their own minds that the passage of time was no more than scarcely a few hours.

Missing time, the little people, human reproduction, ailing races of small humanoids, sleep paralysis, strange creatures manifesting in bedrooms and provoking absolute terror: reports of such things go back centuries. In fact, longer than that. Some people see aliens. Others see “The Old Hag.” Back in 2002, I had just such an experience with a werewolf-like creature in the corridor to my bedroom. I was unable to move for what was probably around thirty to forty seconds, but that definitely felt a lot longer! Whatever theory you buy into – ETs, demons, the Incubus, the Succubus, or the brain misfiring – it’s obvious they are all part and parcel of the very same thing.  But, as for what that “thing” really is, depends on how it manifests and how it’s interpreted by us. The alien angle, as we’ve seen, is just one of several scenarios to explain this probably-paranormal puzzle.

The post The Alien “Greys” of Ufology: Paranormal but Not Extraterrestrial first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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