Saturday, June 5, 2021

Chinese Military Using AI to Track UFOs and Reveals Military Base Sighting

While those in the U.S. anxiously awaiting the intelligence report on UFOs – which will hopefully shed more light on the UFOs buzzing US military ships and pilots which many have speculated are secret advanced hypersonic vehicles from China – Chinese media reveals that the Chinese military doesn’t bother with pilots and radar and is instead using artificial intelligence to track UFOs in its airspace. The South China Morning Post and the Hong Kong News also describe what they say is the only “officially confirmed” UFO sighting in that country, although a quick search can find more. Is the People’s Liberation Front doing more to track UFOs than the Pentagon? Do they already know more?

“The frequent occurrence of unidentified air conditions in recent years … brings severe challenges to air defence security of our country.”

Some are hard to miss

As with the Pentagon, the People’s Liberation Army has its own term for UFOs — “unidentified air conditions” or UACs. Chen Li from the Air Force Early Warning Academy revealed it in a 2019 report to a conference of senior information technology scientists in Beijing. The PLA’s task force dedicated to UACs uses AI to collect data from multiple sources – both military and media, and no matter how minute it might be – and then painstakingly identify each one, from enemy aircraft to amateur drones to natural occurrences (birds, clouds, etc.) to “other reasons.” Each is then assigned a “threat index” based on behavior, frequency, design, radioactivity, and other data. The article quotes an unnamed radar scientist based in Xian who says the numbers are going up but AI is helping to prove they’re “more likely caused by humans than aliens”.

Well, except for that one in 1998 over an airbase in Cangzhou, Hebei province. News reports at the time described a “short-legged mushroom” with two beams of light shooting down from its underside that easily sped away from two military jets sent to investigate it. While that incident was confirmed, ABC News reported in 2010 on a UFO that shut down Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou for an hour and affected 18 flights. Speculation at the time ranged from a camouflaged US bomber to aliens, and authorities claimed there was a military connection but offered no more info. However, ABC notes there had been many sightings in Xinjiang, Hunan, Shandong and Jiangsu provinces prior to this one.

Remember to bring your cellphone

China’s military was also blamed for reports in 2019 when UFO sightings across multiple provinces coincided with two military exercises in the Bohai Sea and Bohai Straits. Photos showed up on the Internet and there were again reports of previous sightings, but nothing more was said by officials. However, 2019 is when Chen Li and the Air Force Early Warning Academy began referring to UFOs as “unidentified air conditions.” Coincidence?

The unnamed radar scientist said citizen drones have become more popular in China and US military activities in the South China Sea have become more common. Does the Chinese military  really need artificial intelligence to identify those UACs?

Is it just a coincidence that this article from China comes out as the Pentagon report is nigh and the U.S. media devotes increasing attention to UFOs? Will Russia be next?

What do the aliens on the short-legged mushroom think?

The post Chinese Military Using AI to Track UFOs and Reveals Military Base Sighting first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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