Thursday, June 3, 2021

Obama, Pentagon Spokesperson and White House Press Secretary Talk UFOs and Aliens

To paraphrase Jimmy Durante, “Everybody wants to get into the UFO act!” It started with the release of Navy radar images and photos of ship and pilot encounters and got hot when the Pentagon agreed to issue a report on UFOs – still scheduled for this month. Presidential candidates were asked about them during the 2020 campaign and late night talk show hosts seemed to ask every guest about them. Former President Barack Obama is already in the act, but he expanded his role recently, while the White House press secretary and a Pentagon spokesperson both got peppered with questions this week. What would Jimmy ‘The Schnoz’ Durante think?

“And so I would hope that the knowledge that there were aliens out there would solidify people’s sense that what we have in common is a little more important. But no doubt there would be immediate arguments about like, well, we need to spend a lot more money on weapons systems to defend ourselves. New religions would pop up. And who knows what kind of arguments we get into. We’re good at manufacturing arguments for each other.”

No, that wasn’t Durante’s answer — it came from former President Obama. In a wide-ranging interview with Ezra Klein of The New York Times, the questioning turned to his previously stated interest in knowing more about those recent UFOs. When asked what he thought would happen if they were proved to contain aliens, Obama suggested that instead of fighting them, humans would form new religions. To worship with them? To worship THEM? He didn’t say and the reporter unfortunately didn’t pursue that line of questioning.

John F. Kirby

“We’re participating in a DNI led study, again on, mandated by Congress, we’re providing context and information that we have on these phenomena. And our focus is on again on supporting the DNI efforts to produce this report. That’s where our focus is and, and, and, again, that’s our that’s our lane, that’s our place to be in is to provide the kind of context that we have the information that we have to help the DNI produce this report for Congress.”

Someone who would undoubtedly vote for weapons over bibles is John F. Kirby, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs. In a recent press conference, he was asked repeatedly about UFOs, UAPs and the forthcoming Pentagon report on them. Kirby repeatedly deflected the questions to the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Avril Haines – the first woman to lead the U.S. Intelligence Community. No, Haines wasn’t there to field the deflection. At least Lewis acknowledged them as “phenomena” rather than dismissing them.

What would DNI Avril Haines say?

“We take incursions into our airspace, both by identified and unidentified aircraft, very seriously and investigate each one.”

That’s what one would have expected from the DoD’s John F. Kirby or DNI Avril Haines, but that answer came from Jen Psaki, White House press secretary, at a briefing last week. However, she then mimicked Lewis.

“But ODNI would be working on that report and, in terms of disclosure, that would be up to them.”

When pressed on what President Biden thought about UFOs, Psaki said:

“Whether that is identified or unidentified aircraft, and we don’t discuss that publicly for a range of reasons, but certainly the President supports the ODNI putting together a report and following through on that commitment.”

What would Jimmy “The Schoz” Durante say about all of this?

“It’s time for Avril Haines to get into the act!”

The post Obama, Pentagon Spokesperson and White House Press Secretary Talk UFOs and Aliens first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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