Sunday, June 6, 2021

When Animals and Strange Creatures Speak…Allegedly!

Can animals and cryptozoological creatures speak? Do they have languages? They are, without doubt, strange and outrageous questions! Some might say that such a thing is wholly impossible. Others aren’t quite so sure. Let’s go back a few centuries to a strange story that had its origins in December 1728. It revolved around two brothers: William and David Sutor. The dark saga all began late one night in December 1728. That was when William, a Scottish farmer, was hard at work in his fields and heard an unearthly shriek that was accompanied by a brief glimpse of a large, dark-colored dog, far bigger than any normal hound, and one possessed of a pair of glowing red eyes. On several more occasions in both 1729 and 1730, the dog returned, always seemingly intent on plaguing the Sutor family. It was, however, in late November of 1730 that the affair ultimately reached its paranormal pinnacle. Once again the mysterious dog manifested before the farmer, but this time, incredibly, it was supposedly heard to speak, in rumbling tones, and directed William to make his way to a specific, nearby piece of ground within thirty minutes.

William did as he was told, and there waiting for him was the spectral hound of Hell. A terrified William pleaded to know what was going on. The hideous hound answered that he was none other than David Sutor – William’s brother – and that he had killed a man at that very spot some thirty-five years earlier. As David had directed his own savage dog to kill the man, David had himself – as punishment – been returned to our plane of existence in the form of a gigantic hound. The dogman instructed William (yes, by speaking) to seek out the buried bones of the murder victim, and then place them within consecrated ground, which William duly did, in the confines of the old Blair Churchyard. The ghostly black dog – the spirit of David Sutor in animal form – vanished. It was not seen again.

Now, let’s turn our attentions to a mongoose called Gef. The Haunting of Cashen’s Gap: A Modern “Miracle” Investigated is a book that was written back in 1936 by controversial ghost-hunter, Harry Price, along with R.S. Lambert. The original edition sells for incredible amounts of money. It’s not only a rare and pricey title: the story it tells is downright weird. It all revolves around nothing less than the antics of a talking mongoose named Gef. Yep, you did read that correctly. A talking mongoose. It’s a strange, eerie and – at times – undeniably sad saga of a young girl, her dog, her parents and intense media attention in the early 1930s. The key players in the story were the Irving family: husband and wife James and Margaret, teenage Voirrey (their daughter), and Mona the sheepdog. And, Gef, of course.

It wasn’t long before the Irvings realized they had something seriously strange in their midst: the speaking mongoose allegedly told the astonished family that it was born midway through the 19th century in New Delhi, India! As the story developed, it became obvious that if Gef was real, then he was no normal animal. Never mind just his alleged ability to speak; there was also the fact that the family referred to him as a spectral animal, as a spirit tied to our world, and as a “familiar.” No surprise, it wasn’t long before the media was on the scene. Newspaper article-titles on the weird affair included “Clue to Mystery of ‘Talking’ Weasel;” “House ‘Possessed’ by a Mongoose;” and “The Dalby ‘Spook’ Again.” The mystery continued. In fact, it went on for decades. To the end of her days – in 2005 – Voirrey said that Gef was not a hoax of her making. Or a hoax of anyone else in the family.

Now, onto Bigfoot. A number of recordings have been made of what are purported to be the vocalizations of Bigfoot. While some have been explained away as known animals, there is one set of recording that, more than any other, really stand the test of time. They have become known as the Sierra Sounds. The story of the Sierra Sounds dates back to the 1970s, and is focused around two Bigfoot investigators, Ron Morehead and Alan Berry. On a number of occasions, from the early to mid-1970s, the two men captured astonishing audio recordings of what many believe to have been Bigfoot creatures – in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California. Ron Morehead stated: “The Bigfoot Recordings were the focus of a yearlong study at the University of Wyoming.” Bigfoot authority, Christopher L. Murphy said: “The unusual growl-like sounds and whistles were studied by Dr. R. Lynn Kirlin, a professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Wyoming. It was his opinion that the format frequencies found were clearly lower than for human data and their distribution does not indicate they were the product of human vocalizations and tape speed alteration. Further, Nancy Logan, a linguist in California also studied the tapes. In her opinion the vocalizations have a pitch range that is considerably more flexible than that of humans.”

The post When Animals and Strange Creatures Speak…Allegedly! first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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