Monday, July 12, 2021

First American Female Cruise Ship Captain Records UFO Near Ship

We’ve had UFO reports by military pilots, Navy ship crews, commercial airline pilots, astronauts and other reputable witnesses who are trained to spend a lot of time scanning the skies for unusual occurrences. It’s time to here from another one – the captain of a cruise ship. And not just any cruise ship captain – this one was good enough to break through the glass ceiling to become the first American woman to captain a ship for a major cruise line – and the first of any gender to return to the seas after the pandemic shutdown. She’s Captain Kate McCue and has quite a story to share.

“I was looking at a beautiful sunset when someone suddenly said to me – “Hey, what is it there?” I looked up into the sky and saw it. It looked like a huge jellyfish.”

On a video posted on YouTube on July 3, 2021, Captain Kate McCue shows a clip of her UFO sighting, which was posted to her Instagram page exactly one year before. McCue is currently the captain of the Celebrity Edge, part of the Celebrity Cruises fleet, but her experience on the high seas goes far beyond cruises. After graduating from the California State University Maritime Academy with a degree in business administration, she studied celestial navigation on sailing ships, interned on a banana cargo ship for Chiquita Brands International and worked as a general deck hand on a tourist catamaran before progressing through the ranks with Disney Cruise Line to staff captain (second in command on a ship).

Another Celebrity Cruises ship

“There was almost no wind at that moment, no more than 5 knots (9 km / h), but this object rotated around its axis and flew around our ship at a speed of about 25 km / h.”

McCue was hired by Celebrity Cruises and appointed in 2015 as the commanding officer of Celebrity Summit, making her the first American woman to command a modern “mega ship”. Captain McCue moved to the Celebrity Edge in 2019.

“Then the object began to descend, about 400 meters from the stern of our ship and plunged into the water. We even thought to lower the lifeboat, but there was nothing on the water, no debris, it just sank into the water and disappeared.”

McCue has become a social media star, so her bosses were well aware that she posted the UFO encounter on her Instagram page, which led to the interview with Cruise Reviews uploaded to YouTube.

“It was not a drone, all of us who saw it are sure, there was no sound, it flew completely silently.”

Not a bird either

Captain McCue refers to other witnesses but she’s the only one in the interview. That doesn’t lessen her credibility, and many comments on the video point out that cruise ship captains reporting UFOs suffer the same ridicule as military ship commanders, personnel and pilots. Her celebrity status should get her encounter more exposure, yet this seems to be the first outside of her own Instagram page. One could surmise it’s because she’s a woman, although at least one female military pilot has shared her UFO story to the mass media. It could also be because the video is brief and the UFO far off in the distance – but that hasn’t stopped the infamous tic-tacs from gaining credibility.

We’ll keep an eye on Captain Kate McCue as she returns to the seas in hopes she shares more and/or has additional UAP encounters.

The post First American Female Cruise Ship Captain Records UFO Near Ship first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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