Tuesday, October 19, 2021

70-Year-Old First-Time Mother, Dog-Sized Sea Scorpions, Darwin’s Microscope and More Mysterious News Briefly — October 19, 2021

Mysterious News Briefly — October 19, 2021

As fast as a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile can travel around the world, China’s government has denied yesterday’s story it tested one in August and claims it “was not a missile, it was a space vehicle” which “can provide a convenient and cheap way for humans to use space peacefully.” Other governments fear hypersonic missiles – Bezos and Musk fear “convenient and cheap.”

A microscope owned by Charles Darwin that was passed down through his family for almost 200 years will be up for auction in December and is expected to sell for at least $485,000. It will go for even more if one of the slides shows a fish with legs.

The Washington National Cathedral is holding a seminar on how the search for extraterrestrial life, the increase in space militaries, the rash of billionaires in space and the Pentagon’s report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena impact religious life. These probably won’t be problems if spaceships carry collection baskets.

Retired U.S. General Stanley McChrystal said in an interview that artificial intelligence will definitely be allowed to make lethal decisions on the battlefield and the risks of potential malfunctions or mistakes are “frightening.” Finally – a general who watches sci-fi movies.

Northland College (Wisconsin) researchers discovered that South African springhares glow in the dark – making this the first documented case of biofluorescence in an Afro-Eurasian placental mammal. Springhares are now hoping larger South African animals can’t read scientific reports.

Enrico Amico, a scientist and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) Center for Neuroprosthetics found that every human brain has a “fingerprint” that constantly changes over time. If it constantly changes, it’s not fingerprint – it’s more of a smudge.

Researchers now estimate that if we piled the waste electronic and electrical equipment discarded in 2021, it will weigh more than 57 million ton, making it heavier than the Great Wall of China and the planet’s new heaviest artificial object. Would piling it in the shape of a wall solve multiple problems?

Fossils of a 3.3 foot-long (1 meter) sea scorpion (Terropterus xiushanensis) that lived off the coast of China some 435 million years ago have been found and analysis shows they were the apex underwater creatures of their time. Unfortunately for their fans, ‘Sea Scorpion Week’ doesn’t have the same frightening appeal as ‘Shark Week’.

A new hypothesis that Native Americans are descendants of the Jomon culture of Japan was quickly refuted by a study in the scientific journal PaleoAmerica, which shows that DNA from ancient Americans and the Jomon culture are very far apart. Native Americans who like sushi need to find another reason why.

An Indian woman claims to have had her first child at the age of 70 with her 75-year-old husband providing the sperm for the IVF, which would make her one of the oldest first-time mothers in the world. Nothing says old motherhood like sharing diapers and formula with your child.

The post 70-Year-Old First-Time Mother, Dog-Sized Sea Scorpions, Darwin’s Microscope and More Mysterious News Briefly — October 19, 2021 first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

from Mysterious Universe https://ift.tt/2Z0WY7q

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