Sunday, October 10, 2021

Could There be a “Top Secret Base” Hidden Somewhere on (or Within) our Moon?

Although NASA was formed in 1958, Project Horizon – a plan to construct a base on the Moon –  fell under the auspices of the military, specifically the U.S. Army. The plan was to create what would ultimately become a vast base on the surface of the Moon – a base that would be armed with nuclear weapons and which could be used to attack the Soviets if the United States was hit by a sneak attack and the infrastructure of the nation was significantly destroyed. It was in late March 1959 that the ambitious program was put into place. Overseeing many of the plans to create the secret base was Lieutenant General Arthur G. Trudeau. At the time, Trudeau was the Army’s Chief of Research and Development. Now-declassified files on Project Horizon demonstrate that Trudeau and his team estimated it would cost approximately $6 Billion to design, build and fully equip a base on the Moon. In a document titled “Project Horizon: A U.S. Army Study for the Establishment of a Lunar Military Post,” Trudeau penned the following words: “There is a requirement for a manned military outpost on the Moon. The lunar outpost is required to develop and protect potential United States interests on the Moon; to develop techniques in Moon-based surveillance of the Earth and space, in communications relay, and in operations on the surface of the Moon, for further exploration into space and for military operations on the Moon if required; and to support scientific investigations on the Moon.”

(NASA) That’s our Moon

The program was indeed a grand one, a far-reaching operation designed to ensure that the control of outer space would fall into the hands of the United States. Plans were quickly initiated, in the wake of the publication of Trudeau’s report. One of those who was brought into the program was Wernher Von Braun – a Nazi scientist, who, at the end of the Second World War, was secretly brought to the United States under cover of a classified program called Operation Paperclip. Von Braun (who should have been 100 percent kicked out of the operation because of his Second World War activities) chose to assign an engineer named Heinz-Hermann Koelle to oversee Project Horizon. Koelle, too, fought for the Nazis during the Second World War. The initial plans were for the Moon base to be relatively small, which made a great deal of sense. After all, we’re talking about entirely new territory and technology. So, the plan was to slowly and bit by bit make the base bigger and bigger as time went on. But, initially, it would be something akin to a North Pole outpost, with a staff of around one to two dozen.

Using the base as a strategic military facility, as well as a place in which the mysteries of the Moon and the Solar-System could be carefully and secretly studied, ensured that America would have a significant lead over the Soviets – who were clearly a major threat at the time. In fact, on this issue of a Soviet threat, the Project Horizon team gave serious consideration to the possibility that Russians might very well try and destroy the base – possibly with Russian cosmonauts, invading the base and armed to the teeth with high-tech weaponry. On the scientific side of things, a great deal of research was focused on ensuring that the base would have a plentiful supply of water and oxygen – which, of course, none could live without. Plans were initiated to have vast shuttle craft sending endless supplies of water and food to the base – that is, until the base and its staff became completely self-sufficient.


As for how and where, exactly, the base would be constructed, Project Horizon’s scientists were of the opinion that the best option would be to build it in a natural crater or cavern. Such was the enthusiasm for the program, an estimation was made that the initial construction of the base could begin in 1965 – four years before Neil Armstrong set foot on the surface of the Moon. Project workers suggested that it might be wise to construct significant parts of the base underground, chiefly to protect it from not just the Soviets, but from natural space debris too, such a fragments of meteorites and / or comets – and also from potentially lethal radiation. Although Project Horizon was deemed a feasible, major program of the military, it was ultimately deemed to be too far ahead of itself. The military concluded that the plans for Horizon to begin in 1965 were overly ambitious in the extreme and the program was cancelled. Or, at least, we are told it was canceled. There are indications that this may not have been the case, and that the plans to control outer space went ahead in deep secrecy.

On this particular issue, it’s most intriguing to note that there is yet another story that suggests the United States has a secret space program – and, rather notably, it dates back to 1965; the very year in which the U.S. Army had said that it could begin constructing a base on the Moon. The story comes from a man named Karl Wolfe. At the time in question, Wolfe was in the Air Force, working on a program based at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia that was supporting NASA’s lunar-orbiter programs. It was while he was stationed at Langley learned of highly classified photographs held at the base that showed what were clearly buildings and facilities on the far side of the Moon – which, notably, and due to its specific orbit, never shows itself to the Earth. So, constructing a secret base on the side of the Moon that we never get to see would make perfect sense.

Of course, some people might suggest – and, indeed, have suggested – that the photos Karl Wolfe came to know of showed not a facility of the U.S. Army, but of visiting aliens. Not an impossible scenario, but, when we take into consideration the possibility that Project Horizon was not canceled, then it’s not at all improbable that some kind of installation does indeed exist on the Moon – whether on it or below its surface – and served a major role in the development of a secret space program. It may very well still serve that same program to this  day. Except, we just don’t know about it.

The post Could There be a “Top Secret Base” Hidden Somewhere on (or Within) our Moon? first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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