Thursday, October 21, 2021

How Many Kinds of Mysterious Apes are There Beyond Bigfoot and the Yeti?

Even though I asked that question myself, it’s a good one! When it comes to the matter of anomalous apes in our world, the most famous ones are the Bigfoot of the United States, the Almasty of Russia, the Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas, the Yowie of Australia, the Chinese Yeren, and the Orang-Pendek of Sumatra. You would think that’s enough! But, no. There are way more. A strange denizen of the jungle-saturated mountainous regions of Peru, the Isnachi is a beast that is seemingly wholly monkey-like in nature and appearance. Unlike some of the beasts cited in the pages of this book, it appears to completely lack human-like traits. Very much like a chimpanzee in size, the Isnachi is noted for its large, barrel-like chest and huge, powerful arms. Rather oddly, it has a long, pig-like or dog-like snout, giving it somewhat of an orangutan-like appearance, even though it is perceived as a monkey, rather than as an ape. Little more is known of the Isnachi – chiefly because of the fact that it rarely, if ever, descends below seldom-traveled landscapes of around 1,500 meters – aside from the fact that when it finds itself confronted by people, the creature displays extreme states of aggression.

In the Central American country of Belize exists an enigmatic and mysterious entity known as the Duende. A fascinating commentary on the Duende surfaced in 1961, from one of the world’s most respected seekers of unknown animals, the late Ivan T. Sanderson. He said: “Dozens told me of having seen them, and these were mostly men of substance who had worked for responsible organizations like the Forestry Department and who had, in several cases, been schooled or trained either in Europe or the United States. One, a junior forestry officer born locally, described in great detail two of these little creatures that he had suddenly noticed quietly watching him on several occasions at the edge of the forestry reserve near the foot of the Maya Mountains. These little folk were described as being between three foot six and four foot six, well- proportioned but with very heavy shoulders and rather long arms, clothed in thick, tight, close brown hair looking like that of a short-coated dog; having very flat yellowish faces but head-hair no longer than the body hair except down the back of the neck and midback.”

(Nick Redfern)

It must be said, and it’s hardly surprising, that the island of Cuba lacks any really credible reports of what one would accurately term Bigfoot. In times past, however, Cuba was said to be the home of a hairy creature of similar appearance but of far smaller proportions. Some researchers believe the creatures may still exist, living in deep stealth and out of harm’s way. Very little is known of these legendary animals that are said to have lived in the eastern parts of the island and that became known as the Guije – also known on Cuba as the Jigue and the Chichiricu. Moving on: Situated on the northern coast of South America, Guyana is a place that, like so many other locales dominated by thick jungles and high mountains, can boast of being the domain of a Bigfoot-style entity. It is known by the people of Guyana as the Didi. Interestingly, although the Didi resembles Bigfoot in the sense of it having a humanoid form, and covered in hair, there is one big difference: the monster of Guyana possesses razor-sharp claws, which is at variance with all other apes. This has given rise to the theory that the Didi may actually be a creature known as Megatherium, a huge sloth that died out millennia ago – or, just perhaps, it didn’t. On the other hand, many witnesses to the Didi have remarked on its eerie human-like qualities, despite its savage, primitive appearance.

Situated in south-east Asia and Oceania, Indonesia is made up of a huge amount of islands; in fact, literally thousands. One of those islands is Flores, which has a square-mileage of more than 5,000 miles and a population of close to two million. Its wild animal population is notable and includes the deadly Komodo dragon and the huge Flores Giant Rat. Flores may be home to something far stranger, too. The  people of Flores tell of a somewhat human-like ape called the Ebu gogo. As with so many of the smaller variety of creatures described within the pages of this book, the Ebu gogo was covered in hair, had distinct ape-like qualities, but walked upright, like a human. At barely three feet tall they were hardly on a par with Bigfoot, but that does not take away the fact that, for the people, the creatures generated a great deal of folklore and history.

The islands that comprise Hawaii are the reported home of something similar, albeit significantly smaller than, Bigfoot. They are the Menehune. Although there average height is said to be barely two to three feet at the maximum, they have physical qualities that suggest they may have a linkage to the Human Race. Although they are covered in hair and have red-colored faces, their large eyes are reportedly filled with intelligence, and their short noses and pronounced foreheads echoes something akin to Cro-Magnon man, rather than a monkey or an ape. Amazingly, the list of worldwide anomalous apes goes on and on!

The post How Many Kinds of Mysterious Apes are There Beyond Bigfoot and the Yeti? first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

from Mysterious Universe

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