Friday, October 15, 2021

The Roswell Bodies of 1947: “They Could Have Passed for Chinese”

Although research into the Roswell affair didn’t take off big time until the mid-to-late 1970s, the 1960s were not without significance when it comes to the case. For example, in 1966, Frank Edwards’ book Flying Saucers – Serious Business was published Chapter four of the book is titled “Pick Up the Pieces.” Edwards said of the case: “There are such difficult cases as the rancher near Roswell, New Mexico, who phoned the Sheriff that a blazing disc-shaped object had passed over his house at low altitude and had crashed and burned on a hillside within view of the house. The sheriff called the military; the military came on the double quick. Newsmen were not permitted in the area. A week later, however, the government released a photograph of a service man holding up a box kite with an aluminum disc about the size of a large pie plate dangling from the bottom of the kite. This, the official report explained, was a device borne aloft on the kite and used to test radar gear by bouncing the signals off the pie pan. And this, we were told, was the sort of thing that had so excited the rancher. We were NOT told, however, how the alleged kite caught fire – nor why the military cordoned off the area while they inspected the wreckage of a burned-out kite with a non-inflammable pie pan tied to it.”


Kevin Randle said of Edwards’ version of events: “While the report was essentially correct in a gross sense, the details were nearly all wrong. But the point is that Edwards had exposed the Roswell case to a wide audience in 1966, when the book was published. Nearly everyone ignored the case because of the lack of detail, other than a location in the then small and anonymous town of Roswell.”  Only three years later, however, the Roswell story was about to surface again. Not in the pages of a book, or even in the town of Roswell itself. The location was one most would never guess: a certain living-room in England. July 21, 1969 was a day on which history was made. That was the date on which Neil Armstrong became the very first member of the human race to set foot on our nearest neighbor, the Moon. History was also made in a very different way on that day, too. It may have been different, but it was no less important. For the person telling the story, it may have been even more important. July 21 was the day on which a notable revelation concerning Roswell surfaced. Not in the United States, as one might expect or assume, but right in the heart of the U.K.

(Nick Redfern) The U.S. Government’s huge report on Roswell

The source of the story was Melvin E. Brown. He was a man who was stationed at the Roswell Army Air Field at the time of the mysterious crash in early July 1947. Several months later, however, Brown was given a brand new assignment. In England. It was while Brown was stationed in the United Kingdom that he met the woman who was destined to become his wife: Ada. The pair made a life for themselves in England and had three daughters. At the time of the Roswell affair, however, Brown was a sergeant in the military. Not only that, Brown – who passed away in 1986 – was a key figure in the Roswell story. Whether by accident or design, Brown chose July 21 as the day to reveal what he knew about a certain, amazing event that had occurred, back then, more than two decades earlier. One of Brown’s daughters – Beverly – said, years later: “In 1969, he told my sister and me that he was ordered to go out into the desert. He said that all available men were grabbed to go out to where a crashed saucer had come down…and there were several bodies.”

One of those who had the opportunity to interview Beverly in person was English UFO sleuth, Timothy Good, the author of the acclaimed Above Top Secret. She told him: “They had to form a ring around whatever it was they had to cover, and everything was put on trucks. They were told not to look and to take no notice, and were sworn to secrecy.”  The story then got even more amazing, as Beverley revealed: “I can remember my dad saying he couldn’t understand why they wanted refrigerated trucks. And him and another guy had to sit on the back of a truck to take this stuff to a hangar. They were packed in ice. And he lifted up the tarpaulin and looked in, and saw three – or possibly two – dead bodies.”  Tom Carey and Don Schmitt record that Beverly described the dead crew as having “big heads with slanted eyes.” In her interview with Tim Good, however, Beverly made a very intriguing and revealing statement. She said that the bodies her father saw back in ‘47 “…looked Asian [italics mine],” but had larger than normal heads and lacked any hair. “They looked a yellowy color.” There is also this from Beverly to Tim: “…they could have passed for Chinese [italics also mine].”

It is one thing to say that the bodies looked somewhat Asian; however, specifically stating that the bodies which Melvin Brown saw “could have passed for Chinese” strongly suggests they were extremely human-looking. There is a very good reason for that: they were human. Remember, too, that the “Chinese” comment was made to Beverly Bean by her father – nothing less than a first-hand witness to the bodies. And, as a first-hand source he should have known what it was that he saw. Near death in 1986, Brown told his family, “It was not a damn weather balloon.”  No, it was not a weather balloon. But, it did involve human guinea-pigs. There was not a single extraterrestrial at Roswell. That’s because all of them were human. Aliens never crashed outside of Roswell.

The post The Roswell Bodies of 1947: “They Could Have Passed for Chinese” first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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