Tuesday, October 19, 2021

UFOs. Roswell. Secret Documents. Aliens Involved? Not a Single One in Sight.

Taking into consideration the fact that, over the last week, I’ve written a number of articles on the matter of Roswell, I think I’ll stop here with the legendary case  – at least, for now. All of those articles were focused on why I do not, at all, believe that aliens ever came down near Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947. But, something did come down. Something built by people and with people on board. One source that promoted a non-E.T-driven theory for Roswell in 1997 was Popular Mechanics magazine. Notably, its staff were focused on a theory that was not at all dissimilar to the one that appeared in my Body Snatchers in the Desert book. In the July 1997 edition of the magazine, there appeared an article titled “Roswell Plus 50.” It was penned by a journalist named James Wilson. According to Wilson, Popular Mechanics had been “alerted” (what that means, I’m not sure…) to a then-forthcoming declassification of documents that might go a significant way towards finally resolving Roswell. Who, exactly, was behind the alerting was not revealed. This new story was not, however, a nod in the direction of the crash-test dummy saga. Or even a Mogul balloon, as the Air Force suggested. It was heading down a path towards something far more controversial; the kind of controversy that no-one “in the know” wanted investigating and / or exposing.

Wilson told his readers that “the documents scheduled for future release will tell of a Japanese counterpart to Operation Paperclip. One of its purposes was to determine if the Japanese had constructed a suicide-piloted version of the Fugo incendiary bomb.” Wilson continued that it was the opinion of Popular Mechanics that “the craft that crashed at Roswell will eventually be identified as either a U.S. attempt to re-engineer a second-generation Fugo, or a hybrid craft which uses both Fugo lifting technology and Horten-inspired lifting-body. In either case, Japanese engineers and pilots brought to the U.S. after the war to work on the project could have been the dead ‘alien’ bodies recovered at the crash site.” Ultimately, the Japanese-themed documents to which Wilson referred remained buried. Or got burned. Or were shredded. The whole, mysterious saga made me seriously wonder if there was a secret war going on within the world of the military and the intelligence communities – with one side trying to get the truth out about Roswell and the other side steadfastly determined to ensure the truth never reaches the light of day. I still think, today, that may very well be the case.

(Nick Redfern): Roswell: a Good Place to Hang Out

So, yes, there probably was a Horten connection to Roswell. That is not a matter of much doubt. On this matter of the Horten brothers, we should note the following Air Force report of January 3, 1952 – specifically on the subject of flying saucer sightings investigated by the Air Force in the late 1940s and early 1950s. Brigadier General W.M. Garland stated something to General John A. Samford, the Air Force Director of Intelligence, that makes this connection abundantly clear by touching upon the work of the Horten brothers: “It is logical to relate the reported sightings to the known development of aircraft, jet propulsion, rockets and range extension capabilities in Germany and the USSR. In this connection, it is to be noted that certain developments by the Germans, particularly the Horten wing [italics mine], jet propulsion, and refueling, combined with their extensive employment of V-l and V-2 weapons during World War II, lend credence to the possibility that the flying objects may be of German and Russian origin.”

So, yes, there likely was a Horten connection to Roswell – along with a huge balloon array and a group of poor, handicapped people used in the high-altitude flight (and other later ones, too). We’re just not fully sure of the scope of that connection. Certainly, no-one should be championing any stories concerning Nazi UFOs. It’s all complete garbage, added with personal agendas of right-wing-extremist-scum.

The post UFOs. Roswell. Secret Documents. Aliens Involved? Not a Single One in Sight. first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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