Thursday, October 7, 2021

Vanishing Bees, Ancient Fly Fishing, Prehistoric Skis and More Mysterious News Briefly — October 7, 2021

Mysterious News Briefly — October 7, 2021

The Aquamarine Fukushima aquarium unveiled a newly discovered parasitic isopod — an order of long, flat, armor-plated crustaceans – that looks exactly like a piece of salmon sushi. If they find another species that looks exactly like a ball of rice, it could mean extinction for both.

Scientists from the University of Tokyo have observed a reaction in a single cell that gives migratory birds a mysterious ‘quantum sense’ which allows them to ‘see’ our planet’s magnetic field in order to successfully navigate long distances. The best part for birds is that they get the directions without that annoying GPS voice.

Pluto, everyone’s favorite former planet, is losing its atmosphere because the nitrogen is freezing as the sub-planet’s orbit takes it farther away from the Sun. It’s truly bad news but unfortunately the people who define planetary status don’t count sympathy votes.

Palaeobiologists from the University of Leicester digging at Westbury Cave in Somerset have discovered a million-year-old tooth from an extinct species of hippo called Hippopotamus antiquus which shows the animal roamed Britain much earlier than previously thought. Look for Alien Big Hippo reports to begin soon.

Attentional neuroscientists have discovered a new kind of hatred called misokinesia or “the hatred of movement,” where people have strong negative reactions towards others who twiddle, tap, jiggle and do other fidgety things which causes sufferers problems with social interactions, inabilities to pay attention in school, and difficulties at work. You can spot them by how far they can throw a fidget spinner.

A new study by Tel-Hai College and international archaeologists found that prehistoric people went fly fishing on the Jordan River 13,000 years ago with incredibly sophisticated fishing tools, including bone fish hooks carved to look like bait. Did they also invent prehistoric hats to stick them?

Archeologists recently uncovered a wooden ski frozen in ice on Digervarden Mountain in southern Norway and matched it with a second one found in 2014, baking this 1,300-year-old pair the best-preserved ancient skis ever found. Now they’re looking for a 1,300-year-old lodge, hot cocoa cups and splints for making casts.

Researchers at Caltech have built a bipedal robot called LEONARDO (short for LEgs ONboARD drone) that is part walking robot and part flying drone, making it the first robot that uses multi-joint legs and propeller-based thrusters to perform like a human wearing a jetpack. Is this revolutionary, a movie prop or this year’s hot Christmas gift that will be in a closet by February?

Russia’s media has been ordered to stop reporting on any of the country’s space activities or space news under threat of being labeled a “foreign agent.” Are they planning something really big or embarrassed that they haven’t launched any Russian movie stars into space like William Shatner?

The American bumblebee (Bombus pensylvanicus) population in the U.S. has dropped nearly 90% and is extinct in eight states – which could qualify for protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) under a new rule. If bumblebees can’t do it themselves, we need to carry this buzz for them.

The post Vanishing Bees, Ancient Fly Fishing, Prehistoric Skis and More Mysterious News Briefly — October 7, 2021 first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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