Friday, December 17, 2021

Another Study of the UFO-Monster Link: From an M.I.B. to the Lair of a Lake Monster

Now, we come to what I consider to be the definitive monster-alien connection. Okay, it takes us back to Loch Ness, but the story is so fascinating, it’s well worth telling. In this case, we’re talking about the lair of the Nessies and a Man in Black who can only be called a “monster,” such was his/its evil atmosphere. On the morning of June 2, 1973, Frederick “Ted” Holiday – a well-known Nessie-seeker from the 1960s to the 1970s – took a walk down to the loch. What a catastrophic mistake that was. As he did so, Holiday could not fail to see a man, at a distance of around ninety feet, standing atop the slope that led directly down to Loch Ness. This was no normal man, however. It may not even have been a man, at all. Whoever – or whateverthis curious character was, he was dressed entirely in black, from head to toe. Whereas most people who go to Loch Ness focus their attentions on the deep waters, in the hope they just might be lucky enough to see something monstrous rear its head, this character had his back to the loch and was staring directly at Holiday, who later commented that as the figure focused on him, “I felt a strong sensation of malevolence, cold and passionless.”

(Nick Redfern) Beware of the M.I.B.

The “man” appeared to be dressed in what Holiday described as black plastic. His hands were gloved (black, too), and his head was covered by something that looked like a motorcycle helmet. No surprises on its color. Goggles covered his eyes, and even his nose and mouth were covered – by a black band, possibly made of cloth. Holiday tentatively walked towards the definitive Man in Black. Even when Holiday was mere feet away, the MIB neither moved nor acknowledged his presence. Most terrifying of all, there appeared to be no eyes behind the goggles. Shocked, Holiday continued walking for about ten feet and then stopped. It was Holiday’s quickly thought out intention to pretend to fall on the grass and reach out to the man for support as he did so – specifically to see if he was physical in form, or some kind of intangible specter. Holiday was prevented from doing so, however, when the sounds of whistling and unintelligible whisperings filled the air, and the MIB vanished – as in dematerialized, literally. As Holiday – now petrified out of his wits – shakily scanned the half a mile of open road that dominated the landscape, it became clear to him that there was simply no way the man could have made good a stealthy escape in conventional fashion. Stunned to his core, Holiday tried to reconcile the whole thing as nothing but a bizarre hallucination – a theory that, he knew deep down, simply wasn’t viable. He tried to take his mind off the matter by paying a last visit to the Cary family and to say his goodbyes to the Reverend Omand. It was all to no avail; the specter of the thing in black remained, like an albatross around Holiday’s neck.

(Nick Redfern)

Of equal fascination – and of deep relevance to this story – back in September 1866 there occurred the sighting of a mournful-looking man in black attire on hills near Lochindorb. He was seen – by a terrified farmer – strapped to the back of a large, fiendish dog that was prowling the same hills. t was an incident that, like the Lochindorb confrontation, also occurred in the 19th century. The farmer didn’t wait around to see what might happen next and he fled the hills for the safety of his home, fearful that a shape-shifting kelpie might wish to make him its next victim. It was probably a very wise move. There is a decidedly sinister sequel to this aspect of Ted Holiday’s quest for the truth of the Loch Ness Monster and his Man in Black experience. One year later, in 1974, Holiday’s creature-seeking excursions were suddenly cut short by a serious heart-attack – right at the very spot where the MIB manifested and then vanished twelve months earlier. A warning, perhaps, to Holiday that he should walk away from the matter of the Loch Ness Monster. And walk away now. While he still had the chance and before the reaper came calling for his very mind and soul.

The post Another Study of the UFO-Monster Link: From an M.I.B. to the Lair of a Lake Monster first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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