Friday, December 24, 2021

Does the U.S. Government Know Something About Life After Death? And, is it Bad For Us?

That’s a pretty inflammatory question to ask. As for the answer to the question, well, that’s just as controversial, too. Whatever your view on the afterlife might be (or on the lack of an afterlife), there does seem to be a degree of interest – behind closed doors – when it comes to what happens to us after we die. I saw this demonstrated most visibly when I was researching and writing my August 2010 book, Final Events: and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife. The book was focused on a small (very small, for the most time) group in the U.S. government, that was referred to as the Collins Elite, and that was concerned the UFO phenomenon was really demonic in nature, and that after we die we head off to some kind of Matrix-like world where our souls are reaped of some kind of strange energy that feeds the creatures of the underworld. Not a nice scenario, to say the very least. The more and more I got to speak with people on the inside, I began to realize that not only were there people in the Pentagon who feared this theory to a significant degree and who were trying to stop the situation; but, they had no idea how to stop it. And, they didn’t know how to tell the rest of us.

As for the publisher, Anomalist Books, they said of Final Events: “For decades, stories of alien abductions, UFO encounters, flying saucer sightings, and Area 51 have led millions of people to believe that extraterrestrials are secretly among us. But what if those millions of people are all wrong? What if the UFO phenomenon has much darker and far more ominous origins? For four years, UFO authority Nick Redfern has been investigating the strange and terrifying world of a secret group within the U.S. Government known as the Collins Elite. The group believes that our purported alien visitors are, in reality, deceptive demons and fallen angels. They are the minions of Satan, who are reaping and enslaving our very souls, and paving the way for Armageddon and Judgment Day. In FINAL EVENTS you’ll learn about the secret government files on occultists Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons, and their connections to the UFO mystery; revelations of the demonic link to the famous “UFO crash” at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947; the disclosure of government investigations into life-after-death and out-of-body experiences; and an examination of the satanic agenda behind alien abductions. FINAL EVENTS reveals the stark and horrific truths about UFOs that some in the government would rather keep secret.”

(Nick Redfern) Aliens or Demons?

On many occasions I have been asked about the story, and what I think about it. Do I think the scenario is real? Well, I believe that the group believes it. As for me, I need hard evidence first. And, I haven’t seen that. In other words, the story of Final Events is very much like an ancient, religious tome: you buy into it, you don’t, or you fall into the “I’m not sure” category. I’m in number three. What I found doing the research, though, was that there was a body of data that did suggest a faction of the U.S. government was worried about “something after this life,” as one of the guys worded it to me. Whether you go with this or not, there is at least a degree of circumstantial data available, as you’ll see now. One of the most notable UFO encounters ever recorded occurred shortly after 11p.m. on October 18, 1973. That the prime witnesses were serving members of the U.S. Army Reserve only added to the credibility of the report. Having departed from Port Columbus, Ohio, their UH-1H helicopter was headed for its home base at Cleveland Hopkins Airport. Aboard were Captain Lawrence J. Coyne; Sergeant John Healey, the flight-medic; First Lieutenant Arrigo Jezzi, a chemical engineer; and a computer technician, Sergeant Robert Yanacsek. All seemed normal as the crew climbed into the air and kept the helicopter at a steady 2,500 feet altitude. But approximately ten miles from Mansfield, they noticed a “single red light” to the west that was moving slowly in a southerly direction. Initially they thought the object might be an F-100 aircraft operating out of Mansfield. Nevertheless, Coyne advised Yanacsek to “keep an eye on it.” These were wise words, as suddenly the unidentified light changed its course and began to head directly for them. Luckily there was no fatal collision.

(Nick Redfern)

Interestingly, on several occasions in the immediate aftermath of their encounter, Captain Coyne received telephone calls from people with the Department of the Army, Surgeon General’s Office, asking if he, Coyne, had experienced any “unusual dreams” subsequent to the UFO incident. As it happened, not long before the Army’s call, Coyne had undergone a very vivid out-of-body experience. Sgt. John Healey also reported being called about the incident and its aftermath. “As time would go by,” said Healey, “the Pentagon would call us up and ask us: ‘Well, has this incident happened to you since the occurrence?’ And in two of the instances that I recall, what they questioned me, was, number one: have I ever dreamed of body separation? And I have. I dreamed that I was dead in bed and that my spirit or whatever, was floating, looking down at me lying dead in bed. And the other thing was had I ever dreamed of anything spherical in shape; which definitely had not occurred to me.'” That the Army’s Surgeon General’s Office (S.G.O.) was interested in both out-of-body experiences and the nature of death and the after-life in the early-to-mid 1970s is not in doubt. For example, a September 1975 document titled Soviet and Czechoslovakian Parapsychology Research that was prepared for the Defense Intelligence Agency by the SGO’s Medical Intelligence and Information Agency contains a section titled Out-of-the-body Phenomena that focuses on the research of Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder who “reported that the Soviets were studying out-of-the-body phenomena in Yogis.”

Whereas most authors of books on the subject of alien abductions, in the 1980s, focused solely on the simplistic “extraterrestrial scientists are here to steal our DNA” angle, Whitley Strieber did not. Certainly, Strieber dug deep into this particular issue; however, he certainly did not shy away from some of the far more controversial aspects of his own experiences with what he termed not aliens or extraterrestrials, but as the Visitors. It was a term Strieber used for a very good reason: he was not at all sure that his captors were alien – in the way we interpret the word, at least. Perhaps, he suggested, they represented something so strange that they are completely beyond our current comprehension. As Strieber noted, the Visitors had a deep interest in the human soul; that one solitary part of us which, billions believe, never dies. Not only that, over the years Strieber has had strange encounters with people who had U.S. government/military connections, as you will see now.

(Nick Redfern) Welcome to Aliens or Dangerous Demons?

Strieber was not the only one who came to realize that the alien abduction phenomenon was much weirder than most had imagined – maybe even weirder than most could ever imagine. One of them was the aforementioned Harvard-based Professor John E. Mack. Echoing Strieber’s words to a notable degree, Mack said that of the many and varied abductees he had helped and counseled, some felt that the entities they encountered were nothing less than soul-stealers. Then, there is Ed Conroy. In 1990, Conroy, a journalist, wrote a book on the alien abduction experiences of Whitley Strieber, the author of a 1987 bestseller, Communion. Conroy’s book was titled Report on Communion. The more that Conroy delved into the experiences of Strieber, the more he became a victim of black helicopter invasions. Then, there were mysterious problems with Conroy’s answerphone – as if someone had tampered with it. On one occasion, while Conroy was out of town, his answerphone message was inexplicably changed. An attempt by shadowy figures to intimidate Conroy and dissuade him from digging into the Strieber affair? Almost certainly.

Finally, there is a very controversial affair involving that have been referred to as “Containers.” It’s a fact that most people who have studied the claims of Bob Lazar focus their attentions on what he had to say about the UFOs allegedly held at Area 51’s S-4 facility, as well as his statements concerning Element 115. There is one issue that doesn’t get the attention that it really should. It’s a part of Lazar’s story which takes things down a path that is filled with disturbing revelations involving the afterlife. One of the many briefing papers that Lazar said he read at S-4 stated that the aliens refer to us, the human race, as what we would call “Containers.” But, containers of what? Well, that’s where things get really controversial. Lazar told KLAS-TV’s George Knapp “religion was created so we have some rules and regulations for the sole purpose of not damaging the containers.” As for the “Containers,” the Knapp-Lazar discussion then went into the matter of human souls and their importance.

How much of all this (some of it, all of it, or none of it) is true, I have to say I don’t know. What I do know for sure, though, is that there are people in the U.S. government, and in the U.S. intelligence community, who believe this is the real picture. And, from their perspective, that’s why we won’t get full disclosure. We’ll get a sanitized-type disclosure. Because, they say, it’s much easier on everyone.

The post Does the U.S. Government Know Something About Life After Death? And, is it Bad For Us? first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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