Thursday, December 23, 2021

The Roswell “UFO” Case: Looking at Ways to Get Real Answers…Hopefully

A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article on why it is so difficult to solve the Roswell affair of July 1947. I pointed out that in all likelihood Roswell was covered by what is known as a Special Access Program. An SAP would be the ideal operation to keep the Roswell mystery hidden. And, potentially, forever. Does that mean we are never going to solve the puzzle? No. It just means we have to come up with even more alternative ways to get the answers. Could that be done? Well, yes, to some degree. For example, as you’ll see, I know the names of some very obscure military people (and government people, too) who were out at the crash site on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico when the crash occurred, and whose names have seldom been discussed or investigated. They are in this article. So, my approach – if we can’t access the material in the SAP – is that we should go after just about every single military document that is relative to anyone and everyone who we know, for sure, was at the site and saw what it was that we want to know. It’s not an impossibility. Going through every bit of their military documentation might prove to be daunting – and it may annoy, or even anger, the families of those who were on-site back in 1947. But, the important thing is that a really big, widespread research project on the part of the UFO research community is not impossible. With that said, now onto some of those who went to their graves knowing the truth of Roswell and whose military files just might give us at least something; even if it’s just a finger-point in a certain direction or two. And, then, we need to dig deeper than we ever have before.

(Nick Redfern) My first trip to the area where everything went down

Around twenty years ago, I began working full-time – for about five years – for Ryan Wood doing a lot of research to try and solve various aspects of the UFO phenomenon in 1947 – and not just Roswell, but other UFO events in that era too. And also claims of dead aliens and so on. This project led me to undertake a number of trips to the National Archives, Maryland that, collectively, covered a period of around two or three weeks, 9 to 5. In doing the work I came across several interesting figures. One was a man named Frederick Hauser, a military doctor at the time of the Roswell affair. Hauser knew of Roswell. Another one who knew a great deal – and who may have seen the bodies – was a man named Conrad Zerbe. He certainly saw a great deal of photographic material of an “interesting” type. Much of the research that led to names like the ones you’ll see in the next paragraph came about due to National Archives-based research. Not just by phoning family members. I also know, as a result of all this research, that at one point – in the very early 1980s –  the U.S. Air Force approached Zerbe to try and help them figure out what really happened at Roswell – because the Air Force of the 1980s didn’t know…but they most assuredly wanted to know. That’s right: even the U.S. Air Force of the 1980s was out the loop of Roswell.

(Nick Redfern) From outside to inside

Zerbe was a deeply worried man. Particularly so when he got at least several visits from Air Force Intelligence across a period of three weeks. And, he finally clammed up; filled with fear. That’s not quite the end of it though: I have heard fascinating rumors that Zerbe – who was definitely at the crash site – took certain photos with him and did not hand them over to those in the military who were running the containment of the ranch in the hours and days after the crash. Zerbe’s link to the Roswell saga revolves around the matter of a certain, large number of photographs taken out at the crash site of the whatever-it-was that came down on the ranch in the summer of ’47. A Roland Cliff, a military man named Loomis, a civilian in the program named Bohanon, and an Ed Guill, were in the know, when it came to (A) the matter of what happened and (B) who knew what the photos really showed. Should we go after the photos? Of course, we should! But, of equal importance, for example, we should follow some of the more obscure files of 1947 that are available at the National Archives. There are some fascinating ones. And, I’ll share one example with you.

On my very first trip to the National Archives in 2001 I found a fascinating, but brief, document that reads as follows, and prepared by a Mr. Roddy: “Investigation of the unknown missile which landed near Guadeloupe on 12 October 1947 has failed, so far, to identify it as a V-2, GAPA or other type of guided missile. Careful check by USAF, Ordnance, and Navy indicates that no missiles were fired from Alamogordo Special Range or White Sands Proving Ground on 12 October 1947. Army Ground Forces has eliminated possibility of an anti-aircraft target having gone astray. Negotiations with the Mexican Government for the Long Range Proving Ground for guided missiles, which have been started through the State Department, may be jeopardized if Mexico is dissatisfied with the investigation. It is understood that newspaper statements that fragments of a V-2 have been identified are disturbing the Mexican Government.”

(Nick Redfern) Driving by the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico

Now, from the available material above, I don’t think – at all – this story tells of a crashed alien spacecraft. I’m absolutely sure that what was found was a missile. But, whose missile? A German V-2 from the very seedy Paperclip program? From the document it didn’t seem that’s what it was. I don’t know what it was. Neither did the U.S. military: the document specifically calls the finding an “unknown missile.” That document was not found in any early UFO files. I found it while searching around a couple of hefty files concerning 1947-era activity on what, back then, was called the White Sands Proving Ground. On so many occasions I found UFO-themed documents in the National Archives that weren’t in any the old Project Sign or Project Grudge files, but that were deep in files from White Sands. What this all means is that we need to take the approach that was taken when I spent around five years going all across the U.S. chasing down people, places and documents. Keep pushing – and do so for years, if needed. Take alternative ways. Look into files that, at first glance, might seem to be irrelevant, but that may send us to the next part of the story. Of course, not everyone has the funding to run a nationwide Roswell research program for five years. But, that might be exactly what is needed. And, it just might solve the enigma of what really came down in New Mexico in July 1947. It worked for five years. It can work again. It might find the answers.

The post The Roswell “UFO” Case: Looking at Ways to Get Real Answers…Hopefully first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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