Thursday, December 30, 2021

When UFO Encounters Turn Out to be Downright Nightmarish

Now and again, people will ask me how traumatic can a UFO event be. Worse still, what if the events continue on and on. And on even more. I thought I would share with you today just one example of how the UFO phenomenon can create almost never-ending stress and terror. The story comes from a man named Daryl Collins; a man who I came to know more than a decade ago and who made it clear to me that getting into the UFO subject could be highly dangerous. With that said, read on. As Daryl told me in 2017: “In early June of 1986 (don’t recall the exact date), I was just coming from a discussion of my abduction memories and approaching the parking lot to drive home.  A white-haired lady in dark or black clothes drove by in a dark or black car.  As she approached me she slowed down, leaned out her window, and yelled at me, ‘You have nine years until what you were made for! You have nine more years!’ Then she sped up and drove away.  I didn’t catch the license number, make of car, or any other details.  But I distinctly remember what she yelled, since I spent the next nine years haunted by what might be awaiting me in early June of 1995.  When the date finally arrived, there were smells suggesting the things might have been in the house, but otherwise nothing happened.  The literature is full of cases where predictions failed to come true; maybe they just change their minds.”

(Nick Redfern)

As I read Collins’ account, I couldn’t fail to remember how – at the height of his Men in Black encounters in the early 1950s – Albert Bender found his Bridgeport, Connecticut home filled with overpowering odors of brimstone and sulfur. What goes around clearly comes around, too. In light of the above, I wasted no time in asking Collins a few questions. January 19, 2017: “There followed some kind of physical examination.” On the particular matter of his abduction experience as a young boy, nine days later Collins shared with me his Woman in Black encounter. He told me: “Approximately April or May 1945, an extremely bizarre encounter. I was playing in the backyard when I spotted a creature about my size, an elf perhaps, which communicated telepathically. It merged its body with mine, and controlled my movements. We went out the back gate and down several streets to an area that at that time was still wild country. We found a hole in the ground and jumped in, falling a fair distance, stopped, and entered a strange room and walked down a corridor. The corridor led to a door which swung open, and the elf separated from me. There followed some kind of physical examination, then I was back in my yard quickly forgetting the whole incident. Long ago I described the details to Budd Hopkins, and he said he had many similar cases.”

Collins also told me: “In 1948 my parents and I were driving at night on a deserted rural highway. An object came over and lifted the car into a big round room. A door opened and three creatures, with clawed webbed toes and stubs for fingers, took each of us in different direction. I followed one down a long dark corridor to a brightly lit room with an examining table and a gray with long bony fingers. He stuck a sharp instrument into my stomach, then a different instrument far up my right nostril. When he pulled it out, my nose bled a little and was sore for hours.  Then he took an instrument like a black cone and pressed the point to my forehead, producing a strange vibrating sensation. Apparently he was activating an implant that had just been put in place. He said, telepathically, ‘It will be all right from now on.’ Abruptly we were all back in the car and the whole episode was forgotten.”

There was more: “I don’t remember the date, but once I was confronted with a large insectoid which said, ‘I want you to devote your whole life to me!’ I didn’t understand and asked what that meant. I don’t remember what the creature said, but I replied emphatically, “No, I won’t!” This evidently didn’t go over very well.  In January 1950, I was taken at night from my home by skeletal creatures who said they were going to kill me. I begged for my life, reminding them of the time they had said: ‘It will be all right from now on.’ So instead they put me on the table and performed extensive procedures. Finally they abandoned me, and all the memories were lost for very many years. As far as I can tell, I was never abducted again. When I first encountered ‘flying saucers’ in the newspapers that March, I immediately adopted the subject as the center of my life, but it never occurred to me to wonder why, nor to suspect it had anything to do with me. In view of Collins’ experiences of the UFO variety as a young child – in 1945 and 1948 – it seemed to me hardly surprising that he received a chilling message from a Woman in Black in the 1980s. I knew only too well that both the MIB and the Women in Black often intrude upon the lives of those who have had profound UFO encounters – and sometimes years later. And the experience is seldom, if ever, positive in nature. It certainly wasn’t for Daryl.

The post When UFO Encounters Turn Out to be Downright Nightmarish first appeared on Mysterious Universe.

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